All Legal articles – Page 168

  • Tony Bingham

    Read them and weep


    Letters of intent are often used inappropriately in the construction industry and, as such, they should be employed with a good deal of caution – or not at all

  • Peter Stockdale

    Pinsent Masons loses key regeneration lawyer


    Peter Stockdale takes top construction clients to law firm Campbell Hooper

  • News

    EU fines Dutch bitumen cartel €266.7m


    European Commission fines 14 companies for operating cartel in Dutch road surfacing market

  • Tony Bingham

    Certifiable adjudicators


    Like the umpires in last month’s ill-fated test match, adjudicators test the dispute against the rules and make a judgment – unfortunately some construction folk, and one or two lawyers, haven’t quite grasped that they can’t tamper with the ball either …

  • Tony Bingham

    Certifiable adjudicators


    Like the umpires in last month’s ill-fated test match, adjudicators test the dispute against the rules and make a judgment – unfortunately some construction folk, and one or two lawyers, haven’t quite grasped that they can’t tamper with the ball either …

  • News

    Shareholders instruct their lawyers to quiz Interserve


    Lawyers for shareholders in Interserve, the troubled support services group, have sent the company’s board a letter asking for more information on the accounting irregularities that caused its share price to tumble.

  • Tony Bingham

    Dont touch that dial


    It’s tough being an arbitrator. You’re expected to have expert skills in your field and be able to shoulder a weighty judicial burden. And one wrong move, such as making a simple phone call, will get you thrown off the job …

  • Tony Bingham

    The way the money goes


    The insistence that a contract be ‘in writing’ before it can be adjudicated is transferring millions of pounds from one industry to another. Guess which ones they are …

  • News

    Court refuses to grant steel contractor leave to appeal


    Former Wembley steel firm Cleveland Bridge has had its first attempt to overturn Multiplex’s victory in its £45m court case rejected by the Court of Appeal.

  • Tony Bingham

    The pitfalls of DIY


    Hanging the odd picture up is one thing, but once you’re into serious DIY you’re bound by the same standards as a professional builder. So if something bad happens on your property, you can end up paying damages, costs and even other defendants’ costs. Nasty

  • News

    FK Roofing Services sues two companies


    FK Roofing sues Birse Construction and GE Frankona Reinsurance over Innova park damages

  • News

    Entwistle: ‘Jarvis not to blame for Potters Bar’


    Richard Entwistle responds to Court of Appeal judge’s decision not launch a public inquiry

  • Tony Bingham

    Blood on the tracks


    Last year the criminal court fined Balfour Beatty £10m after it pleaded guilty to its part in the Hatfield rail disaster. Then last month the Court of Appeal lopped £2.5m off the penalty. Here’s why …

  • Wembley arch

    Multiplex and Wembley enter bitter legal battle


    Adjudicators will this month rule on a series of claims between contractor Multiplex and Wembley National Stadium Limited

  • Legionnaires disease

    Architect fined £15,000 over legionnaires outbreak


    Gillian Beckingham is cleared of manslaughter following legionnaires outbreak in which five people died

  • Tony Bingham

    The killer blow


    The slide of Botes Building into administration has been widely reported. What isn’t so well known is that in the run up it was involved in a £300k legal battle with one of its clients …

  • News

    JR Knowles' board accepts £7m takeover by Hill


    Board of dispute firm J R Knowles recommends offer from construction consultant and legal specialist Hill International

  • Tony Bingham

    Just call me Rambo


    When did mediation get taken over by tree-huggers who refuse to discuss the merits of the case? Well, no more. If it stops daft cases ending up in court, then mediators should be free to take a more aggressive approach

  • Tony Bingham

    The perils of using your initiative


    Imagine you’re a builder carrying out a small domestic project, and you spot a mistake in the architect’s design. Would you save everyone’s time and trouble by working out an ad hoc solution to it?

  • Tony Bingham

    Trump that!


    Everyone knows that a final certificate trumps an interim one – that’s the way a client ensures it pays the correct sum. But when an adjudicator is parachuted in to decide the interim account, that situation is reversed – as Camden council was surprised to discover