All Legal articles – Page 161

  • News

    Inquest into Wembley death


    An inquest is finally to be held into the death of a worker during the construction of Wembley stadium more than three years ago.

  • News

    BRE accused of conflict of interest by energy assessors


    Energy assessment firms may seek a judicial review of BRE’s role in accrediting energy performance assessors.

  • asbestos

    Unions react angrily to Law Lords asbestos ruling


    Workers with asbestos conditiion lose right to claim compensation from employers

  • News

    Man jailed five years for stabbing builder


    Court sentences attacker for stabbing builder with kitchen knife after campaign of harassment

  • News

    Legislation may be required for councils to build new homes


    Government plans to revive council housing may need to be approved by parliament before they can go ahead.

  • Tony Bingham

    It ain’t necessarily so


     If a client presented with a payment certificate hasn’t paid up 14 days later, the dispute begins on day 15, right? Wrong. As this Scottish case demonstrates, you need to apply a little common sense

  • Tony Bingham

    What are words worth?


    You might not expect a member of Russia’s super-rich to speak the same language as a British builder. But when it came to deciding if the oral agreement they had was a binding contract, it was the English court that had the final word

  • News

    Engineer sues NHS trust in PFI dispute


    The Whipps Cross NHS Trust in east London has become embroiled in a legal battle after it scrapped a £350m PFI redevelopment two years ago

  • News

    RIBA launches online appointment forms


    A new suite of agreements for architects and consultants is now available to download

  • News

    Lend Lease axed from £190m job


    Developer Lend Lease has been removed from a £190m regeneration project in Eastbourne amid fears its appointment could fall foul of competition law

  • Tony Bingham

    A house up a well-known creek


    If your home played host to the contents of your neighbours’ toilets 17 times in eight years, you might expect the law to offer you some redress. Remarkably, as one London householder found out, it does nothing of the sort

  • Robert Akenhead

    Akenhead becomes TCC judge


    Barrister Robert Akenhead takes on role as judge at the Technology and Construction Court

  • News

    JCT to discuss sustainable clauses in contracts


    Tribunal to discuss incorporating environmental standards in contract at policy meeting in November

  • Comment

    Dayworks document revised by RICS and Construction Confederation


    New document outlining dayworks in building contracts is launched this month

  • Tony Bingham

    There is no alternative


    It is tempting to pronounce that lawyers should stay out of adjudication and let construction types untangle disputes. But too many arguments can be decided fairly only with specialist legal expertise

  • Tony Bingham

    Kiss and tell


    The only people who love contracts are lawyers. For everybody else – the plasterers, the foremen, the managers – they’re just long, fuzzy words that bear no relationship to how they do their work. ‘Keep it short and simple’ should be the first rule of a legislator

  • NHS Trust Mid Cheshire

    NHS Trust fined £14,000 after patient falls from window


    HSE warns hospitals of their responsibility after patient forces window open

  • Tony Bingham

    Happy ever after


    Main contractors and subcontractors make all kinds of rash promises during the courting stage. Then they quarrel. A new toolkit from the National Specialist Contractors Council aims to keep things sweet to the end

  • Tony Bingham

    Do you have breakdown cover?


    Rolls-Royce didn’t take out joint-names insurance to cover construction of its new plant. When a leaking pipe caused £400,000 of damage, it insisted the policy wouldn’t have covered negligence. Not everyone agreed

  • Tony Bingham

    Bitten by a tiddler


    A run in with BT reminds Building's legal blogger why people go to court to resolve even the teeniest of disputes