All Leader articles – Page 39

  • Comment

    Spot on


    Hooray. For once we’ve had a National Audit Office report that brings glad tidings for the industry (page 16).

  • Denise Chevin

    Fall-out shelter


    Will we ever have an industry in which well-run subcontractors do not continually face financial ruin because they happen to work for a contractor that goes bust?

  • Denise Chevin

    Just not good enough


    What verdict should the Health and Safety Executive pass on the construction industry at next week’s summit?

  • Denise Chevin

    One project away from disaster


    It’s a cruel study in contrasting fortunes. In the same week that BP announced a £9.3bn profit, Mowlem issued another profit warning

  • Phil Clark

    Time for a service


    Adjudication has become such an established part of the construction scene over the past seven years that it is easy to forget what an extraordinary thing it is.

  • Comment

    The way forward


    Not all companies will be establishing good reputations and winning repeat work. Will you be among them? We throw down the gauntlet

  • Denise Chevin

    Much done, more to do


    Credit where it’s due. When John Prescott and his colleagues gather in Manchester next week to take the pulse of the regeneration effort, they can feel a little pleased with themselves (see pages 40-52).

  • Comment

    The Brick Awards continue to thrive


    Last year we not only had record entries and attendance at the Grosvenor House but also, more importantly, a perceptible increase in the quality of the buildings.

  • Denise Chevin

    Rule Britannia


    How’s this for a list of new year’s resolutions? I will not design buildings with sexy floor-to-ceiling glass cladding.

  • Comment

    Peace and goodwill


    With Christmas eight days away, what better time could there be for the unions and CITB-ConstructionSkills to call a truce in their war for possession of the CSCS card scheme?

  • Comment

    The scrabble for cash


    Four years ago, when construction was comfortably ensconced at the old Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, the government ran a scheme called Partners in Innovation.

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    Slow learning


    So Charles has put his size 10s in again.

  • Comment

    Getting up to speed


    When we started putting together our preview of 2005, we didn’t pre-judge the issues.

  • Denise Chevin

    Medical complaints


    “A special relationship in which one partner takes all the time and the other gives all the time is not a partnership but an exploitation. That is what exists now. It is time it stopped.” That was Gerald Kaufman talking this week about the US-UK alliance. But there are a ...

  • Michael Latham

    The path ahead


    Having been involved in the construction industry in various capacities since 1965, I find it hard to recall a time when there have been greater opportunities for the sector.

  • Denise Chevin

    A great leap forward


    With its grand entrance, impressive atrium, relaxed restaurants and break-out spaces, Bexley Academy in south-east London is more blue-chip corporate headquarters than secondary school.

  • Comment

    The X factor


    Every year we have the delightful task of sifting through hundreds of marvellous submissions all vying for one of the categories in the BDA Brick Awards.

  • Denise Chevin

    Let’s talk about sex


    In these days of chronic skills shortages, any initiative to double construction’s pool of potential recruits is welcome.

  • Denise Chevin

    Don’t panic


    The housing market. It’s a national obsession. Doubly so if you work in the construction industry and your memory stretches back to the early 1990s, the big crash and the grisly business of cutting people out of the wreckage of their homes and jobs.

  • Comment

    Rouse … to Simmons


    Succession is a tricky proposition, especially when your predecessor has made the job his own. Witness the plight of Jonny Wilkinson, the wunderkind of English rugby, who has been handed the captaincy of his national side last week after an eight-month injury. He has the small challenge of getting the ...