Lead times: January - March 2019

Lead times July2018

Lead times have remained static, but widespread reports of labour shortages mean firms are starting to predict increases soon

03 / Lead times summary

Rotary piling  lead times remain at seven weeks with no change reported. Precast piling  lead times remain at four weeks with no change expected as workload and enquiry levels stay steady over the next six months. Concrete works  lead times remain at 10 weeks as enquiry levels stay static. Concerns remain about the impact of Brexit on labour availability, but contractors do not anticipate an effect on lead times in the next six months. Structural steel frames  lead times remain at 15 weeks; with workload and order levels unchanged they are forecast to stay steady for the next six months. 

Cladding – natural materials  lead times remain at 39 weeks, with no change forecast. Cladding – metal panellised  lead times remain at 50 weeks with some firms reporting increased workload and enquiries that could lead to longer lead times in the next six months. Cladding – curtain walling systems  lead times stick at 60 weeks; firms are busier, with more enquiries but expect lead times to stay steady in the next six months. 

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