On the 14th of August BSJ and the UK Green Building Council are holding a debate to discuss and challenge the issues surrounding the calculation of the carbon intensity of grid electricity.

Over the last few months, discussion about the carbon content of grid-supplied electricity has called into question the carbon savings that CHP and CCHP can really achieve and whether the GLA’s prescriptive requirement for their inclusion in planning submissions is really the best way to meet government carbon reduction targets.

In addition to discussing what the current figure should be, the session will attempt to cover how, and how often, the value should be reviewed.

The event will be chaired by Oliver Knight, energy policy analyst at the Sustainable Development Commission.

Key contributors to the debate are:

Professor David Fisk, the BP/RAEng Engineering Chair at Imperial College in Engineering for Sustainable Development and Co-director BP Urban Energy System Project

Roger Hitchen, technical director at BRE

Chani Leahong, associate, Fulcrum Consulting and director of Sponge, the sustainability network for young property and construction professionals

The debate will take place from 8.30 am to 10 am on Tuesday 14 August at the Building Centre, 26 Store Street, London WC1E 7BT. It is free to attend. To register, please email carbon@mission-21.com