All articles by John Redmond – Page 4

  • Features

    A fishy business


    A recent marine law arbitration case that originated in the USA and concluded in the UK has some valuable lessons for construction lawyers involved in disputes beyond British borders.

  • Features

    Show me the money


    As you’ll be aware, adjudication is a cheap way to resolve disputes. One reason for this is that parties may try to avoid paying the adjudicator’s fee. This is upsetting for the adjudicator, but what can be done about it?

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    The threat of exposure


    Adjudication has put insurers under pressure. So what do they do? Pass the burden of risk on to their policyholders, of course, inventing all manner of get-out clauses to make it hard for them to recover.

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    Value judgments


    Adjudicators frequently find that they are being asked to make a judgment as to whether the value of an interim payment is reasonable. And it seems that, if the contract is silent, they're on their own on this one.

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    Vive la différence?


    Britain is noted for being rather detached from the rest of the EU, and our legal system is no exception. Take public procurement cases – a major source of income for them; a foreign language to us, despite Harmon.

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    Language lessons


    Contracting or subcontracting with a company from another part of Europe can be fraught with linguistic and legal problems – as a recent case shows. It’s best to make sure the details are worked out first.

  • Features

    Here be monsters


    The requirements of North Sea oil extraction have given rise to contract clauses that try to limit what can be claimed for variations. As Amec found, they can be horribly hard to understand, let alone apply.

  • Comment

    Settle, but not just yet


    In order to save costs and court time, litigants are encouraged to settle disputes. But it can be dangerous to settle too early. Two recent cases suggest that clients taking short-cuts should be careful.

  • Features

    A tale to warm the heart


    Anyone would be forgiven for thinking that trouble-free projects are the stuff of fairytales. But there are some jobs that do come in at less than expected, run by honest builders that don't try to rip you off.