Sir – Despite an escalating year-on-year spend on security products, breaches and incidents continue to increase.

s organisations create a highly complex infrastructure of point security solutions, so they are in danger of losing control.

To be frank, the majority of security installations in place today are little more than an accident waiting to happen.

Much of the blame for this can be laid at the door of the IT security industry and its much-vaunted, multi-layered strategy. Adding solutions in response to every emerging threat is not reducing the security risk at all. Far from it, in fact. It is simply creating an anarchic environment that offers nothing more than an opportunity to sell more product.

It’s only by monitoring actual network activity that any organisation can develop the security controls – and solutions – that truly reflect business risk. Isn’t it time to call the security industry’s bluff and deliver a network security solution that actually protects against the real business threats?

Businesses cannot afford to unquestioningly invest in security technologies that deliver no return on that investment or tangible business value.

On the other hand, by attaining a real-time understanding of network activity and combining control with relevant security solutions, organisations can begin to reverse the trend for escalating investment in security technology while achieving a far more secure business environment.

Earnie Kramer, Technical Director