All Interviews articles – Page 9
‘Different doesn’t scare me’: Mary Pierre-Harvey has big plans for Oxford Brookes
The UK’s first black female director of estates at a large UK university talks to Building
‘We like to give people a chance, to give them a go’: Stanhope’s Paul Lewis and Tony Wall talk to Building
Stanhope’s Paul Lewis and Tony Wall are preparing for the next phase in the firm’s three-decade history
‘We can’t continue as we are’: Philip Hoare, Atkins, talks to Building
Atkins’ new president talks about embracing digital, his plans to grow the firm outside the UK and his determination to transform construction’s broken models
Offsite, on trend - why volumetric modular construction is the future
There’s huge pressure for construction to find offsite solutions to boost its productivity and meet the housing and infrastructure needs of the country
Q&A with Lara Poloni: how can we drive digital change?
Aecom chief executive EMEA Lara Poloni on how to champion high-tech transformation from the top
Keith Waller: Construction's improvement tsar
How will the Construction Innovation Hub spend £72m budget and four years to bring the industry into the 21st century?
"In 100 years' time we'll have the Thames lined with derelict towers" - Peter Rees talks to Building
Former London planning chief Peter Rees thinks Londoners should be worrying about the rising forest of new-build apartment blocks
Interview: Charles O'Neil - solving construction's competency problem
Construction expert Charles O’Neil reckons the industry’s core problem is competency. So he’s doing something about it
Interview: Turner & Townsend's Patricia Moore talks to Building
Patricia Moore only meant to leave her native Scotland for a couple of years down south, but 24 years later she’s still in London – and has risen to become Turner Townsend’s UK managing director. She tells Joey Gardiner the secrets of her own and her employer’s success. ...
Interview: Dar's Andrew Loudon talks to Building
Dar may still be an unfamiliar name to many, but the Beirut-based owner of Currie Brown, Elementa and Perkins+Will has ambitions to grow its operations rapidly in the UK, Brexit notwithstanding
Interview - Sir Stuart Lipton talks to Building
Developer Stuart Lipton is among the biggest names in the business – and has no intention of leaving it any time soon
Lee Polisano: The high life
PLP founder Lee Polisano’s greatest hits cluster the City skyline, visible from his London office. As the 10th anniversary of his practice and the looming storm of Brexit approach, he discusses what further work he sees on the horizon.
Paul Hackett: Leading the charge for housing change
As chair of London housing association group G15, Paul Hackett has plenty he wants to change about housebuilding in the social sector.
"There's really social fabric at stake here" - Autodesk's Anagnost on modular, BIM, and the future of construction
Andrew Anagnost, CEO at Autodesk, on the rise of automated decision making and how we need to give the next generation the opportunity to do things differently
Why aren't we building more zero-bills homes?
Building caught up with Bill Dunster to chat about the ideas in his new book, Zed Life: How to Build a Low-Carbon Society Today
Lindum Group: Family values
We revisit the Chambers family, who run Lincolnshire-based Lindum Group, two decades after we last dropped in – and find a thriving, diverse company that despite its booming bottom line sees turnover as irrelevant and the security of its many stakeholders and staff as the top priority.
aLL Design: Life after Will Alsop
Following the death earlier this year of their visionary co-founder, Building visited the architect practice to talk about its plans for the future
Steadying the ship
It’s a nerve-racking time for contractors – and nobody knows this better than Greg Craig, who has fond memories of his stint at Carillion and hopes its collapse will serve as a cautionary tale. But at the helm of Skanska UK, he detects calmer waters ahead.
Breaking the traditional housing model: James Lidgate talks to Building
L G has ambitious plans to set up a diversified housing business delivering 15,000 homes a year – a large share of them modular
Quick on his feet: Vince Cable talks to Building
Vince Cable believes he’s gaining ground on his two main rivals over Brexit. But the parliamentary veteran is keen to show his isn’t a party campaigning on a single issue