All Interviews articles – Page 40

  • Features

    Urban warrior


    Skilled self-publicist Michael Gwilliam has transformed the "close to crusty" Civic Trust into an urban campaigner with influence. He wants to make the everyday better and this week, the trust's awards aim to do just that.

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    The front man


    Marco Goldschmied will take over as the new president of the RIBA in June. His plans are many and varied, but at the centre is one core goal to promote the profile of architecture.

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    E male


    Energetic, not to say egotistical, Studio E founder Cezary Bednarski is building an international reputation for his young practice. But how does ...

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    Luther Cochrane


    Sir Frank Lampl's anointed successor at Bovis on his new role, plans for the firm after those merger talks and the joys of being a dad.

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    Builder to the stars


    Irène Beard doesn't look like your conventional builder, but then her clients are hardly run-of-the-mill. Take Ringo Starr, for example

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    Circus troupe


    It made its name fitting out stylish loft apartments. Now, explains partner Duncan Chapman, nine-strong practice Circus Architects is changing its act to portable buildings.

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    The man on the tube


    QS Rafudin Bacchus played a feckless loafer in Channel 4's post-pub sitcom Tottenham 2, but now he's back on the job with London Underground. So, where does his heart really belong?

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    Daniel Libeskind


    His virtuoso designs for the Jewish Museum in Berlin and the Victoria & Albert Museum's Spiral extension have catapulted him into the architectural superleague, but the man behind them is both shy and approachable. Portrait by Julian Anderson

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    One-stop wonder


    Jose Castillo-Bernaus has a singular passion for integrated design. Now, in his new role as director of design at Amec, he is spreading the word about the merits of the one-stop shop.

  • Features

    At the wheel


    Although Gleeds' new senior partner Richard Steer has followed in his father's footsteps, he intends to take the cost consultant in a new direction.