11:50AM Annual report suggests £33bn high speed railway link between London, Birmingham and Glasgow

The future of UK's transport system is in danger, warns the annual State of the Nation report published by the Institution of Civil Engineers.

The ICE report warns that long term planning is urgently needed or else the country’s transport system will collapse by 2026. It suggests a high speed railway network joining London, Birmingham and Glasgow at an estimated cost of £33bn could be the solution to a collapsing transport system.

“What is needed is a long-term national strategy for moving passengers and freight in comfort and on time,” warned the report.

The ICE suggests a scheme along the lines of Transport 21, the Republic of Ireland’s comprehensive network upgrade scheme for 2015. The report urges the government to recognises the need for integrated long term transport planning and for the planning of all transport systems.

Said the report: “We urge the government to think now about the unavoidable capacity issues on the UK’s north-south rail routes and to commission a detailed study into the feasibility of a high speed rail link between London and Scotland.”