All Infrastructure articles – Page 175

  • The large hallways, which, in its day would  have been very grand

    St Pancras Midland Grand Hotel: A hotel to remember


    The Midland Grand Hotel used to be a vast, obsolete luxury liner moored alongside St Pancras station. Then it was an office, then a ruin, and in a few years it will become something truly splendid.

  • In built up areas, wind turbines are often located on top of buildings
    Archive Titles

    Cost model: Renewable energy


    In this month’s engineering services cost model, Davis Langdon Mott Green Wall presents a round-up of the principal options for renewable energy and where they can be best installed

  • c’est magnifique!

    Millau Viaduct: C’est magnifique!


    Foster and Partners’ Viaduc de Millau in southern France is the highest, longest cable-stayed bridge in the world, and it opens in December. We admire the view, talks to the engineer and meets some enthusiastic locals.

  • Features

    Cost model: Urban design and infrastructure


    Proposals for new communities in the South-east, and the redevelopment of existing urban sites will require large-scale investment in site infrastructure. In this month’s cost model, we examine the cost and value drivers associated with infrastructure and site amenities

  • Features

    Cost study: Phoenix Natural Gas HQ


    Northern Ireland’s gas supplier didn’t want to have to pay astronomical energy bills, fall behind and end up suing itself for its own money. Cartwright Pickard Architects and QS Gardiner & Theobold explain how the team managed to avert this fate by delivering a building that not only achieved a ...

  • Features

    Cost model: PFI projects


    The government has swept aside opposition and committed itself to the use of the private sector in delivering public services. With private finance sure to have a growing role in the government’s building programme, it’s time to ask if PFI will be able to deliver. Davis Langdon & Everest reviews ...

  • Features

    Cost model: Urban design and infrastructure


    Infrastructure and public realm projects are a key component of the strategies to regenerate urban districts drawn up by Lord Rogers’ taskforce. Davis Langdon & Everest, with urban designer EDAW, examine the funding, procurement and cost of the schemes that will bring people back to the city

  • Features

    Cost study: Incineration plant


    Sewage waste must now be incinerated rather than dumped at sea. In the Mersey valley, an award-winning, state-of-the-art incineration plant sets a model for fitting this bulky new building type into its surroundings and building to a budge

  • Features

    Cost model: Land remediation


    Land remediation is becoming a growth sector as government targets for brownfield development have been increased. In this month s cost model, Davis Langdon Everest looks at new laws on contaminated land and details the cost of clean-up techniques

  • Features

    Cost model: Airports


    Sustained rates of growth in air traffic are resulting in a continuous demand for increased airport capacity. In this month s cost model, the Airports Specialist Group of cost consultant Davis Langdon Everest examines the construction costs of airport facilities, along with commercial development on the airport campus ...