Energy guzzling lamps will begin to be phased out from retailers from the start of next year under a voluntary initiative to cut CO2 emissions.

The initiative by major retailers and energy suppliers is in response to a schedule set out by government to phase out inefficient lamps. The government has proposed:

  • Shops stop stocking GLS A-shaped incandescent lamps with an energy rating higher than 100 W by January 2008.
  • Retailers cease to sell all GLS A-shaped lamps rated higher than 60 W By January 2009.
  • GLS A-shaped lamps rated higher than 40 W will no longer be available by January 2010;
  • And all remaining GLS A-shaped lamps and 60 W candle and golf ball lamps will cease to be stocked by 31 December 2011.

The move sees the UK attempt to be one of the first countries to phase out “inefficient” lamps, ahead of possible EU actions to ban the sale of the products altogether. The EU is expected to bring forward its proposals for lighting under the Framework Directive for the Eco-design of Energy Using Products. Work on domestic lighting started in June and the Commission is expected to table a proposal by the end of 2009. Proposals for street and office lighting are due to be agreed by the end of 2008.