The Department for Communities and Local Government must spend more money on promoting the legislation supporting display energy certification if the scheme is to be a success industry experts have warned.

Display Energy Certificates will be required by the government for public sector buildings by October to show the building’s actual energy consumption.

Richard Hipkiss, a carbon energy assessor and sales and marketing director of i-Prophets Energy Services, said: “There is a large pool of people interested in being accredited. The issue is ensuring that building owners and the public in general understand the benefits of using assessors with the appropriate expertise who can deliver practical implementable recommendations to improve their building’s rating.”

CIBSE Chief Executive Stephen Matthews added: “The legislation is important and we want to ensure that this is supported by a call to action that is sensible, pragmatic and deliverable.”

The warning over the lack of public awareness came at CIBSE Certification’s launch of DEC Assessor training on 21 May at Portcullis House, London.