I read with interest the opinion piece by Bishop David Walker on the potential of neighbourhood management pathfinders (HT 15 October, page 18)
I live in a pathfinder area in Dorset and was also very excited when I heard neighbourhood management would be coming to my area. Unfortunately, I have been very disappointed with the scheme.
Our additional area-cleansing service is to cease in January 2005, even though I believe it was essential to the quality of living for people in the neighbourhood. The reason cited is lack of funding. It looks unlikely that our neighbourhood wardens will be staying with us, and the general feeling among the community is that little has changed.
One of the issues with neighbourhood management is that it can, in fact, diminish the community involvement that I believe is crucial to the improvement of an area and can impact on people’s lives. The danger is also that it leads to expectations among residents that do not square up with the professional guidelines and restrictions that must be followed; nor with implementation.
I do wish Bishop Walker all success with his scheme. I just wish I felt the same way about ours.
Nigel Gillespie Boscombe, Bournemouth
Housing Today
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