Association to enter into formal relationships with labour agencies

The Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association (HVCA) is to run an approved list of labour agencies. Those that meet the Association’s criteria will be part of a new formal alliance.

The HVCA expects the alliance to launch this spring. Agencies that are part of the framework will be recognised by the HVCA as reputable for use by members.

President John Miller also said the HVCA is still working with the ECA and Select in Scotland to develop a single working rule agreement covering the mechanical and electrical sectors.

“Probably the principal issue yet to be fully resolved is the precise nature of the infrastructure required to administer a combined agreement,” said Miller, pointing out that the Joint Industry Board for electrical contracting had “no locus whatsoever as far as the mechanical sector is concerned”.

“HVCA members remain resolute in their belief that a new, purpose-built framework is required to accommodate new relationships, new working practices and new technologies,” he said.

Miller also stressed that this initiative was being treated entirely separately from the discussions on convergence that had been taking place between the ECA and HVCA, around “our shared vision of a single organisation to represent mechanical and electrical contractors”.

He explained that a survey had been mailed to every ECA and HVCA member to gauge views on two central issues. “Firstly, we have asked them to support the concept of convergence. Secondly, we have asked them to support the formation of a Convergence Board that will examine the members’ views and produce a model for a single organisation upon which the membership can, in the fullness of time, be consulted.

“The outcome of the survey, while in no way binding in itself, will be reported to the Councils of the two Associations at their meetings in March and April, at which time some decisions may be taken that could have a great deal of significance for the sector,” said the president.