The Health and Safety Executive has found that standards of work in one in three refurbishment sites are so poor that it has closed the sites down to stop lives being put at risk.

The HSE carried out more than 1000 spot checks of refurbishment sites across Great Britain during February as part of its rolling inspection programme targeting poorly performing sectors in the construction industry.

“More than one in three construction sites visited put the lives of workers at risk and operated so far below the acceptable standard that our inspectors served 395 enforcement notices and stopped work on 30% of the sites,” said Geoffrey Podger, HSE chief executive.

“We stopped work on site immediately during around 300 inspections because we felt there was a real possibility that life would be lost or ruined through serious injury.

“Our inspectors were appalled at the blatant disregard for basic health and safety precautions on refurbishment sites across Great Britain.”

HSE’s construction division reported that basic safety precautions were being flouted, and issues such as work at height remain a huge concern.

More than half the actions taken during this inspection initiative involved dangerous work at height, which last year led to the death of 23 workers.

More than half the workers who died on construction sites in 2007 worked in refurbishment. Deaths on refurbishment sites rose by 61%.

During the spot checks, HSE inspectors looked at whether:

  • Jobs that involved working at height had been identified and properly planned to incorporate appropriate precautions;
  • Equipment was correctly installed/assembled, inspected, maintained and used properly;
  • Sites were well organised, to avoid trips and falls;
  • Walkways and stairs were free from obstructions;
  • Work areas were clear of unnecessary materials and waste;
  • The workforce was made aware of risk control measures.