All Housing Market Intelligence articles

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    Forecasts point to a tough and risky road ahead for construction


    The latest Experian forecast is out today and it paints a broadly similar, albeit slightly more optimistic, picture to that of the recently released forecast from the Construction Products Association.The main point of departure is on the views towards housing. Here the Experian forecasters are more bullish, if you can ...

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    Residential planning activity bounces back


    The latest Government planning data on the face of it supports the view that there has been a bounce in activity within the house building sector.The topline data, released today, for residential planning decision show a fall in the September quarter compared with both the previous quarter and on the ...

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    Why let planning just look like a lottery? Make it one


    On the subject of Grant Shapps and John Healey, I attended the Housing Market Intelligence conference last week at which both spoke.I obviously recommend the conference because I have a vested interest in it and indeed the associated report, which I edit. But that is not the point.While the presentation ...

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    Brian Green


    As a journalist and commentator, Brian Green has tracked trends in construction, property and housing for more than 20 years. He was the project editor for last year's launch of the Contract Journal Top 100 report and edits Housing Market Intelligence, now regarded as the 'industry bible'. Brian is a ...