There were a few historical inaccuracies in your article about Arsenal's Highbury stadium (Gunning for Glory, QS News, 5 May).

The renowned stadium architect Archibald Leitch designed the original 1913 stadium at Highbury when Arsenal moved north of the river from Plumstead. This stadium featured a single stand on the eastern side, while the other three sides had banked terracing.

No significant portion of Leitch's original stadium remains today, following a series of bold redevelopments during the 1930s that saw construction of the East and West stands, both now Grade II listed. The first to be built was actually the Art Deco West Stand, designed by Claude Waterlow Ferrier and William Binnie, which opened in 1932.

Leitch's main stand was then demolished to make way for a new East Stand in 1936. This stand, which matched the West Stand, included the imposing main entrance facade leading to the famous Marble Halls.

Paul Lindsell, via email