I represent the government's Better Regulation Executive (BRE).

We are a leading cross government drive to do away with unnecessary red tape and reduce the burden of regulation on business and the public and voluntary sectors. This autumn will see a number of important measures put in place. All government departments will publish plans to simplify regulation.

(The following is a message from William Sargent, Executive Chair of the BRE.)

The UK’s future growth, jobs and international competitiveness depend on our ability to regulate and there has been a lot of talk and action in recent years on the Government’s desire to cut red tape. The Better Regulation Executive is working to support efforts across government but to make sure that regulation works for everyone, we want to hear from you.

In the autumn, government departments will, for the first time, publish plans setting out a list of regulations that will be removed or streamlined. Departments are already being sent ideas on how or where this can be done but if you’ve got your own ideas and haven’t yet shared them, get in touch now.

You can either send your suggestions direct to the relevant government department or to us at the Better Regulation Executive (details at www.betterregulation.gov.uk).

Stephen Coomber (Press Officer), Cabinet Office Communications Group, 70 Whitehall, London SW1 2AS