When specifying IT systems and software for building services, you must allow for implementing Part L compliance that will include for the services software to be interfaced into a BMS.

A specialist knowledge of all the current systems available is essential. It must provide monitoring, recording and controlling to save on carbon emissions. A final Windows platform will provide easy front end programing and screen displays, with the added benefit of remote monitoring and controlling, using Internet Protocol.

  • CIBSE TM33: Technical Memorandum Tests for software accreditation and verification.
  • CIBSE Guide H.
  • CIBSE KS 4 2005: Understanding Controls
  • HSE Research Report 02/408: Safety implications of industrial uses of internet technology. Prepared by Tessella Support Services
  • BS ISO IEC90003:2004 - Software engineering - guidelines for application of ISO 9001 - 2000 to computer software
  • BS EN 61508-6:2002 - Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems guidelines on application of IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-3 - includes amd13784, corr13839 Mar 02.
  • BSRIA Standard specifications for BMS. 2001. ISBN 0 86022 579 8. (Application Guide 01/09)
These notes are provided by SPEX, the specification writing software.