10:30AM Doig & Smith cost consultant on art school scheme

The Glasgow School of Art has been granted over £5m in funding by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Local consultants PagePark Architects, ZM Architecture and cost consultants Doig & Smith, with specialist M&E Services Engineers Harley Haddow have been appointed to develop the historic GSA building, designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh in 1899.

The money will be spent to redevelop two main sites as well as for the restoration of the school’s original features.

The scheme will see many areas of the building returning back to their original condition with the removal of partitions, screens and mezzanine floors inserted in the 1970s and by refurbishing original stone, timber and plaster features.

Doig & Smith will be responsible for cost management, financial reporting and safety supervision.

Work is expected to finish by the end of 2009 to coincide with the centenary of the building's original completion.