US programme management and dispute group Greyhawk has bolstered its UK presence by poaching a boss from rival firm Schofield Lothian.

David Merritt, who ran the dispute resolution and contract advisory group at Schofield, will start as director at Greyhawk next month.

He will be tasked with establishing the firm in this country. Greyhawk showed its intent to grow beyond the US by appointing former Keane Associates managing director, Tony Caletka, as its international boss in February.

Caletka said the firm needed a focused boss in the UK. “I cannot be here full-time as I have commitments in the US.”

Caletka said the firm was looking at measured growth. “We are not going to take over the world and be 100 people in the UK. We want a mix of programme and auditing work, claims consultancy, expert witness and adjudication support work.”

Merritt said he was looking forward to the challenge of further establishing the firm. “Greyhawk is one of the most respected players in the US. It’s good for the UK market that we are getting someone with the vision of Greyhawk over here.”

Merritt has 22 years experience in construction and engineering, the majority spent helping clients resolve disputes. He is a QS, arbitrator, mediator and qualified lawyer, and has worked for government bodies and international banks.

Gary Berman, Greyhawk’s president/ CEO, said of the appointment: “London is the stepping stone to the rest of the world.”