It used to be enough for a plc to return big profits, but not anymore. Investors want firms to be good – good to the environment and good to the community.

Which is why CIRIA has published a new guide, Investing in tomorrow’s company, telling construction and real estate companies not just how to behave, but how to shine their light to the investment community.

86% of financial analysts and fund managers believe that social and environmental risk management improves a company’s market value in the long term, according to a survey by CSR Europe.

The survey also found that 51% of fund managers would offer a grant premium to socially responsible companies (for more details, see

CIRIA’s new guide aims to help firms understand how providing sustainability information can influence investors’ decision-making. So what are the key points? Well, you should identify and prioritise the sustainability issues most relevant to your business; measure, monitor and manage these issues; link sustainability performance to financial performance when communicating with investors; and develop an effective sustainability communications strategy appropriate for investors. Easy!