Renewables specialist has installed the UK’s first combined photovoltaic and wind turbine system in London.

Solar Technologies has installed a combined solar and wind turbine system at the Palestra in central London.

The energy generated will provide 4% of the electricity used by three floors that have become the new headquarters for the London Development Agency and the London Climate Change Agency.

The £436 000 project combines 21 kW from 14 micro roof turbines and 63 kW from photovoltaic panels.

The system will generate 3, 397 000 kWh of renewable electricity, reducing CO2 emisisons by 3 300 tonnes during its lifespan of 60 years for the panels and 25 years for the turbines.

The work was funded and implemented by the London Climate Agency, which was set up by Ken Livingstone last year to tackle climate change through sustainable energy.

Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil won the contract for other, non-specialist m&e works.