Engineering Council proposes protection of title

The Engineering Council UK has called on the government to introduce statutory recognition of the three grades of engineering professional – Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Engineering Technician (EngTech).

Andrew Ramsay, chief executive of the ECUK gave evidence before a major inquiry into engineering by the House of Commons Innovations, Universities, Science and Skills Committee. He stated that statutory protection of the titles, which are held by over a quarter of a million individuals, would demonstrate that the government was fully behind the registration of suitably qualified and experienced engineers and technicians, and make it easier to stop misuse of the title.

The submission presented by the ECUK includes evidence prepared by the country’s 36 professional engineering institutions, the Engineering & Technology Board and ECUK.

Ramsay did however make it clear that he was not advocating government regulation of the engineering profession. “Legal protection of the title ‘engineer’ would prove very difficult,” he said.

“In contrast, statutory recognition of the three registered titles would be simple to achieve and could do much to lift the status of engineering professionals.”

The government inquiry into engineering is the first for many years and it comes at a time of growing disquiet about shortages of skilled, home-grown engineers and technicians. The remit of the inquiry includes all aspects affecting the profession and its skills needs.