3:10PM New bill will monitor local action and measure progress in cutting C02 emissions

The government could introduce a climate change bill with the view of hitting hard on cutting carbon dioxide emissions.

Initiated by Friends of the Earth, and supported by both the Conservative and Liberal parties, the bill is expected to be included in next month’s Queen’s speech.

Friends of the Earth director Tony Juniper said: “There is now overwhelming political support for a new climate law to ensure that the UK cuts its carbon dioxide emissions every year.”

An additional independent system has also been reviewed to measure progress in reducing greenhouse gasses. The bill will however not include measures for ministers to be fined for not meeting targets.

According to recent reports the word has been its warmest for 12,000 years. Friends of the Earth has said that the UK with only 1% of the world's population produces as much as 2.3% of the world's C02 emissions.

Measures could include reducing demand for electricity through new energy efficiency measures. The organisation notes with the help of government action there is the potential to reduce electricity consumption by around 10% in the UK by 2020.

Juniper warned: “The alarm bells are ringing, but there is still time to act.”