You may be aware that Loblite has recently gone through a traumatic phase in its long history. There have been rumours put around in the trade that Loblite has ceased to be in business, but this is far from the truth.

There have been faxes and e-mails circulating, which are geared to misinform in that they do not tell the whole story.

We hope that our customers, in reading this letter, will realise that Loblite continues under the new company and that the rumours are unfounded.

Loblite Manufacturing has bought the assets of Loblite and will continue to offer the same quality and service that Loblite has offered the trade since its original founding in 1939. All the products branded Loblite, Aquatec and Solutionz are available and will continue to be available for the foreseeable future and many new products will be added shortly.

Loblite Manufacturing will continue to be one of the few companies manufacturing electrical accessories in the UK, supplying products both under OEM and its own brands. Indications to the contrary are incorrect. Loblite Manufacturing will continue to support the trade as it has always done.

PDJ Jolliffe Chairman Loblite Manufacturing Tyne and Wear