In response to John Moss (BSj 03/07), genuine scientists would not present the science of climate change as being beyond question as he implies, but would welcome constructive criticism. If he has a serious point about the science of climate change that he believes is not being properly considered, he should put it forward in the proper arena, ie one of the peer reviewed journals such as Science or Nature.

His reference to blogging sites – full of paranoid conspiracy theories – does him no credit. Does he seriously believe that thousands of climate scientists are unaware of the effects of water vapour and clouds on our climate?

The issue of water vapour is thoroughly covered in the IPCC 4th Assessment Report and references, which are available on the web. Climate scientists have developed models that take into account water vapour, clouds, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxides, solar activity, sulphate aerosols, methane etc, the forcing effects and positive feedback effects and the demonstrable science, such as the absorption bands for water vapour and CO2.

I do agree with John that institutions should not be shy about answering questions about climate change. I hope that CIBSE will be able to go further than the bland statement from the director of policy (BSj 02/07). It has an urgent responsibility to acknowledge the findings of the consensus of climate scientists in the IPCC 4th Assessment Report.

Godfrey Whitehouse CEng MCIBSE