Reactive neon sculture to turn heads

On 17 November Rob and Nick Carter switched on their latest artwork, ‘Wavelength’. A neon sculpture at Cardinal Place, Victoria Street, London.

Almost twice the height of a London bus, the site-specific sculpture is by the main office entrance of 80 Victoria Street, which is part of Land Securities’ award winning estate in Victoria. It will dazzle Victoria Street's office workers and illuminate the central London area by night.

The work comprises 152 neon tubes, sourced from the UK, Italy and USA, which are inside a 7.2m by 1.8m box. The lights are set to an evolving time sequence that runs through the spectrum of colours, altering the intensity of each light. This programme is interrupted when people walk by, as a sensor causes the artwork to react to the speed of their movement. At busy times the lights change faster, during quieter periods they slow down.