A decision was made last Friday to expel Colin Deans and Billy McAllister, two of three tenant representatives voted onto the board in September 2003.
Among the allegations were that Deans leaked details of GHA business to the press but the registered social landlord declined to elaborate on the reasons for its move.
It said: "Following a full investigation the management committee decided [Deans and McAllister] had failed to comply with the code of conduct."
Isabel Ewing, chair of GHA's board, added: "Everyone at GHA owes it to the tenants to ensure we are united in achieving our goals.
"We cannot squander time on distractions or get sidetracked from our objectives."
Investigations into the conduct of Deans and McAllister started in early April. Before that, the two had called for the board to be allowed to scrutinise eviction actions against tenants.
GHA has attempted to use eviction to crack down on rising rent arrears.
But at least one of those evictions has been challenged in court (HT 6 February, page 7).
The expulsion of Deans and McAllister was heavily criticised by fellow tenant activists including John Goldie, former chair of the now-defunct city-wide tenants' forum and a board member of SWATCH, one of Glasgow's local housing organisations. He said GHA had "shot itself in the foot".
"Deans and McAllister may have been agitators but they were asking valid questions. You shouldn't be thrown out for that," he said.
Deans rubbished GHA's decision and vowed to seek a judicial review. He said: "Far from being rogue elements, we acted in tenants' interests, examining the actions of the management with proper due diligence."
Replacement board members will be named shortly, according to GHA.
It is understood they could be tenants who came second in the area ballots that elected Deans and McAllister.
Under governance proposals approved by the board last month, GHA intends to cut its membership from 21 to 14.
Housing Today
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