I have some bad news this month: This is the last edition of Glass Age to be published by CMPi and at the time of going to press, a deal to secure the magazine’s future has not been agreed.

Whatever happens, I’ve had a fantastic time on the magazine and I’ve met some great people in the course of the job, at home and on many overseas trips.

Glass Age has been the journal of record for the glass and glazing sector since 1958. Many people have already contacted me to say it will be a great shame if it closes, being so close to its 50th anniversary.

The magazine has always taken the broadest view of the market. The various sectors within it should not forget that they are linked. They all come together in the humble window, which is highly technical and something to be proud of.

If you value a particular trade publication or event (and it might not be this one), please show your support, because it won’t be around forever.

Finally, from the Glass Age team, thanks for all the messages of support. I can be contacted at the email address below. And you never know. Glass Age might still make a comeback.