Sat 18 September

To the Truman Brewery in the achingly trendy Brick Lane area of east London for an instructive, if rather preachy, exhibition entitled Future London - - it is transferring to the Science Museum on 25 September. Much of the content consisted of an attack of statistics on just how much damage we are doing to the planet - the last room ratcheted up the doom by writing the scary stats on a series of gravestones. Some instructive and interesting stuff though - did you know that in a traffic jam there are more pollutants inside cars than outside? Or that planes emit more environmentally damaging gases at night than during the day?

It seems we are still in what shrinks may term the realisation stage with regard tio global warming, that of acknowledging its existence. Former US vice president Al Gore's new film An Invonvenient Truth is also part of this phase. We now need some more solutions, including just how we are going to realistically upgrade all the inefficient and ageing building stock across the globe. That's quite a challenge.