The ECA has launched the Fire and Security Association to represent the industry.

The ECA recently stepped up the activities of its Fire and Security Steering Group, now renamed the Fire and Security Association (FSA), in order to further represent the interests of members in the fire and security sectors of the wider electrotechnical industry.

The FSA is to focus upon lobbying, guidance and training to maintain standards, particularly in light of recent legislation and regulatory reform for both fire and security. Using the existing ECA platform, it will become the voice of all those involved in the provision of electronic fire and security systems.

The association is chaired by Steve Kimber, the current managing director of Southern Monitoring Services, who has more than 32 years’ experience in the industry. He says: “These are very exciting times for the fire and security sector and we look forward to taking our seat around the table at all levels that affect our industry, from government to significant organisations and agencies.”

The ECA created its specialist section for fire and security system installations over 20 years ago and members have high levels of expertise, having installed such systems for more than 50 years.

Work associated with fire and security systems continues to be a significant component of ECA members’ activity, with in excess of £600 million of member turnover currently in this sector, creating high demand for a representative body.