KEY to all tables
* full split of activities not provided in reports and accounts, therefore turnover and/or profits assigned to main activity** total profit refers to pre-tax profit. Breakdowns refer in most cases to operating profits before exceptional items. Total of profit breakdown plus interest etc = pre-tax profit
*** interest etc refers in general to net interest payments/receipts, exceptional items, and other non-trading income or losses
† FM activity included within contracting data in other tables
†† pre-tax measure
††† based on results of top 50 companies
Important notes which refer to all tables
Morgan Sindall’s housing refers to affordable housing; “other” refers to fit-outBalfour Beatty data is not split by type of activity; “other” refers to investments and PFI
Simons’ profit figures are estimates
Amec “other” includes PFI
Interserve services figure includes equipment services (RMD Kwikform)
Activity breakdown for Rydon is estimated
Galliford Try breakdowns are estimates
Carillion “other” includes PFI, which in turn includes a large element of contracting
David McLean breakdowns are estimates
Interior Services Group data excludes construction management
Connaught’s activities include fit-out and facilities maintenance
Amey classifies all turnover as services
Bovis Lend Lease data is based on company estimates to year end June 2001 (converted from US dollars). Profit figures are estimates
Newarthill “other” includes PFI concessions
Jarvis now classifies its turnover as services
HBG profit data is unaudited, pre-tax
Cala profit data is pre-tax
Staveley Industries was taken over by Guinness Peat in 2000
Morrison Construction Group was taken over by Anglian Water Group in 2000
Wilson Connolly figures include Wainhomes data (12 months to June 2000), which was acquired in early 2001
Alfred McAlpine data includes Kennedy Construction (year end Oct 2000), which was acquired in early 2001; Persimmon data includes Beazer (year end June 2000), which was acquired early 2001
Montpellier includes Allen building’s turnover (12 months to October 2000), which was acquired early 2001
Taylor Woodrow includes Bryant (year end May 2000), which was acquired early 2001
Tables compiled by Martin Hewes, Hewes & Associates, 01428-641518.
Compiled by Martin Hewes.
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