All Features articles – Page 502

  • Features

    Lifetime costs: roofing


    Metal prices have gone through the roof – which means the cost of your copper covering is sky-high. So which material is best value? Alex Smith reports, Davis Langdon & Everest crunches the numbers

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    Getting the roofing spec right is crucial to any build. Here Barbour Index – with a little help from Scott Brownrigg – lists the key points to remember

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    Planes, brains and panels of steel


    Those clever architects at Feilden Clegg Bradley didn't take the easy route to their RAF museum pavilion in Hendon. Alex Smith divebombs on the challenges of cladding a semi-circular roof in stainless steel and lining it with tensile fabric

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    Housing Futures 2024


    Our serialisation of Housing Futures 2024, the collection of CABE/RIBA papers on the prospects for British housing, continues with John Callcutt's seven rules of regeneration and Christine Whitehead's three economic scenarios.

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    International costs: 2004


    Gardiner & Theobald’s 12th annual survey of global construction costs takes a round-the-worldtrip to compare labour rates, building costs, material prices and inflation forecasts

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    Movers and shakers this week

  • Features

    My take


    My take on my company's £29.9m acquisition of project manager Symonds Group last month is that it is a bloody good strategic fit with us.

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    What a difference a year has failed to make


    Twelve months after John Prescott promised to kick-start Britain's biggest regeneration project in the Thames Gateway, visits three key areas and finds that few of the grand plans have left the drawing boards. Plus, the first of our regeneration jargon-busters

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    Where workers dare


    Following last week's profile of a decorator in Iraq, recruitment consultant Richard Dobell reveals why construction workers are clamouring to go there

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    In the next six months: New CIS system will tax the technophobes


    National Federation of Builders is to assess the level of computer literacy among its members to find out how many will be able to handle an online tax system.

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    And now from the BBC …


    The Beeb asked Allies & Morrison to create a vast media village next door to another enormous office block at its bleak White City site – without creating the last word in urban alienation. We finds out what happened next, Adam Wilson collects the photographic evidence

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    All together better


    Willmott Dixon thought that a completely rational building process would be about 30% faster than a conventional one. So it tried out its ideas on a social housing development in west London. We found out what happened

  • Features

    Gateshead M&S by John Pawson: Nothing to shout about


    Marks & Spencer’s efforts to rebrand itself as a sophisticated purveyor of aspirational housewear has led it to put a super-minimalist John Pawson house in its Gateshead store. We ran a jaundiced eye over the results …

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    Housing Futures 2024


    Building Futures, a joint initiative between CABE and the RIBA, has just produced Housing Futures 2024, a set of reports that speculate on developments in British housing to 2024.

  • Features

    Cost update: March 2004


    This quarter, waterproofing comes under the glare of Davis Langdon & Everest's Hot Rates spotlight. And overleaf, the cost of a plumber and an electrician these days, plus why metal prices have gone through the roof …

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    Movers and shakers this week

  • Features

    Just the job


    Richard Beasley is a Sheffield decorator working on pubs and cafes for the British army in Iraq. We spoke to him – on site at Saddam Hussein's palace in Basra – about night-time gunfire, daily temperatures and living in a tent in a former dictator's garden

  • Features

    Siteseeing with the HSE


    Site managers! Do you live in terror of a safety visit, no matter how innocent you are? And do you wish you knew what went on in those inspectors' heads? To unravel the mystery, we spent a day with the dark hero of health – Norman the HSE inspector.

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    As good as it's got


    Once again, Foster and Partners has shown the wonders modern CAD can perform – this time by combining the golden spiral of the Nautilus with wonderfully imaginative engineering. So, who wants to be a millionaire?

  • Features

    You dirty old man


    That means us, folks – Britain has easily the worst record in adopting European environmental law. And, with less than two years before the UK must start eco-rating all new buildings, it seems the upcoming rules on energy efficiency will offer no exception.