All Features articles – Page 481

  • Features

    Sketch meets developers' approval


    Macfarlane’s clients experience pod toilets and the snogging room at London’s coolest bar.

  • The Darkness

    Shh, it's The Darkness


    Pomp rockers The Darkness have revealed their considerate side by installing mineral wool sound insulation in their Norfolk studio.

  • Externally, the original Portland stone was cleaned and repaired and the original bronze windows were waxed and polished.

    An inside job


    Breaking into the former NatWest HQ was the easy part. Ripping the heart out of it to create state-of-the-art offices while preserving the listed facade, banking hall and directors’ suites, and shifting 1000 lorry-loads of rubble without disturbing the heavyweight neighbour – well, that needed something like a plan … ...

  • Norman Haste

    More haste, more speed


    Ministers may have promised a bill for London’s superfast transport link Crossrail next spring, but boss Norman Haste is not leaving his £9bn project until then. We saw him in action at the Labour Party Conference

  • Happy hour

    Happy hour


    Times are good for quantity surveyors, with charge-out rates up by as much as 50% since 2002 and most sectors looking decidedly flush. We drink in Mirza & Nacey’s latest survey on how much a cost consultant costs

  • Features

    The hired gun's guide


    Working for an agency can boost your freelance earnings - as long as it also works for you. We look at how to get the best service

  • Don't supersize me

    Don’t supersize me


    The Peabody Trust’s latest exercise in modular housing at Barons Place, west London, houses key workers in compact-and-bijou microflats. We mind our head and step inside a new fun-sized way of living.

  • Features

    A touch of class


    This City Academy is the first of 200 the government wants to build in deprived inner city areas. However, it’s unlikely that the others will be designed by Richard Rogers and boast a really pukka kitchen garden

  • At the Heathrow Terminal 5 site, everything from steel reinforcement for the basement concrete to the roof cassettes has been imported from factories

    The big picture


    Andy Pearson presents six case studies of OSM in action, starting at BAA’s vast Heathrow Terminal 5 project, where off-site solutions have been found for diverting rivers, building a roof the size of five football pitches, and providing the services for the main building

  • Features



    Movers and shakers this week

  • Features

    The lone ranger rides again!


    Tired of the long hours and unpaid overtime, professionals are heading for the open plains of self-employment – in increasing numbers. We talked to construction’s guns-for-hire

  • Features

    Blocking out the pain


    Construction manager Tony Bennett is planning to run 250 miles while holding a brick, a feat that will earn him a place in the Guiness Book of Records.

  • Features

    Off site and off piste: Bob the Builder takes to the slopes


    Bob the Builder premiers latest movie at the ICA and unveils a glamourous new leading lady.

  • John Tebbit, Construction Products Assocation

    L of a challenge


    Industry has less than a month to respond to the ODPM’s radical proposals for Part L of the building regs. John Tebbit, industry affairs director at the CPA, picks out the highlights.

  • MISS

    PFI in limbo


    Ten years after it burst on the scene, PFI has become bogged down in project delays. As research published this week reveals yet more missed PFI targets, We report on how contractors are upping sticks and taking their expertise abroad

  • Features

    Language skills


    Learning the right words and phrases is the key to understanding a new culture. So, here with “Off-site manufacture: Lesson one” is Mtech Group

  • Urban Splash's Moho apartment scheme in Manchester is using volumetric modular construction to create desirable homes for private sale

    Inside off-site


    Modern methods of construction are now being used on all manner of projects, from restaurants to naval bases. Mark Faithfull looks at the latest developments and asks: could this be the age of off-site?

  • Features

    Are parliaments inherently unmanageable?


    Solicitor Matthew Bell argues that Holyrood was always going to be a problem – but at least it is in good company …

  • Holyrood reaction

    Holyrood reaction


    The Fraser Report may have passed down its judgment on the Scottish parliament building, but the mud is still flying. Here, Building’s readers join the fray and Rob Smith, senior partner at Davis Langdon, defends his firm’s decisions as cost consultant on the project

  • Features

    OSM experienced


    For many project teams, using OSM means embarking on a scarily steep learning curve involving substantial changes to their traditional building processes. So how can they be sure of getting it right? At Mtech Group, we apply this simple checklist, nominally aligned to the RIBA workplan, that focuses the project ...