All Features articles – Page 479

  • 1.6 km high, 3 km wide, and $200m: Bucky Fuller’s modest proposal for Manhattan

    The greatest buildings never built


    A dome that would have covered half of Manhattan … a cathedral that would have towered over Liverpool … the National Gallery’s ‘monstrous carbuncle’ … Naomi Stungo looks back over the 10 finest projects that never made it past the concept stage

  • In April, the architect’s impression of the centre will become a reality, just 33 months after the arson attack

    Like Phoenix from the ashes


    The miraculous resurrection of Sandwell’s fire-ravaged A&E meant that this hospital was not a casualty for long – thanks to ProCure21 coming to the rescue

  • Bill Frame



    This week's movers

  • It’s all about trust

    It’s all about trust


    Okay, so “ProCure21” is a neat moniker for the government’s approach to healthcare construction – but setting aside all the jargon, what does it really mean? Here’s the truth

  • Features

    Shepherd hits the top in September with £113m win


    Five deals push Yorkshire firm into pole position, but Bovis Lend Lease still dominates the annual table

  • Features

    Whitbybird's 21st birthday fly-by


    Whitbybird's birthday at the Science Museum attracted plenty of high-flyers including Terry Farrell.

  • Features

    How to find the X-factor


    John Cowell is a construction marketing consultant and brother of pop mogul Simon Cowell, which makes him well qualified to write a series of articles on self-promotion in the building industry.

  • Elite Elise

    Move over Fangio


    Davis Langdon's clients and staff scrape their way around a muddy Castle Combe to raise money for charity.

  • Index Township challenge

    South African township builds on Irish goodwill


    Irish builders volunteer to build 50 houses in Cape Town.

  • Hawksmoor’s baroque splendour

    Terror and wonder


    … was the creed of Nicholas Hawksmoor. With the restoration of Christ Church these emotions can be experienced first hand.

  • Features

    The sector today


    Our Future Homes conference, ahead of the Building Homes Quality Awards, tackled the issues affecting the industry now and examined the findings of the Private Housebuilding Annual 2004. Here are some key extracts from that report by Fred Wellings

  • Richard Simmons

    Richard Simmons


    The new chief executive of CABE tells Mark Leftly why his last three projects ran into criticism, why Sir Stuart Lipton was right to resign – and why Jon Rouse is such an easy act to follow.

  • Features

    The results


    Th Building Homes Quality Awards 2004

  • Piling is installed at the City Hall site near Tower Bridge in London

    Specialists: Piling


    Our series on specialist markets continues, this time with analysis of the piling sector’s lead times and costs from Gary Bibby of Gardiner & Theobald. Plus, Robin Wood of Cementation Foundations Skanska talks about the latest trends in the piling market

  • The new master

    The new master


    One of the many problems besetting the government’s plan to refurbish or replace every secondary school in Britain has been that nobody was permanently in charge of it. Now that that’s about to change, can we expect the work to start flowing?

  • Outstanding housebuilder of the year

    Outstanding housebuilder of the year


    This new category, sponsored by Building, recognises the top performers building up to 500 units a year. The inaugural award goes to the cream of the South-west, Midas Homes

  • Private housebuilder of the year

    Private housebuilder of the year


    The battle of the big names was a close-fought contest, but Berkeley Homes added to its other 2004 successes by taking this category, sponsored by Zurich Financial Services

  • Go Contracting in the UK

    Good read


    Sophie Mason continues her look at the joys of self-employment, discovers a helpful handbook

  • Features

    Shining examples


    More, better, faster, cheaper: what the government is demanding from the housebuilding industry, especially homes with a pricetag of £60,000, looks beyond the realms of the possible. Yet, just look at the winners of this year's Building Homes Quality Awards, organised by Building in association with the Housing Forum. In ...

  • Urban housing development of the year

    Urban housing development of the year


    It was the response to the site that won Berkeley Homes this category, sponsored by Fusion Building Systems