All Features articles – Page 478

  • Features

    Bums on seats


    Alcohol friendly public benches complete with bins and ash trays have been installed in Old Street, London

  • Features

    JCB in the pink


    Pink digger set to raise cash, and awareness for breast cancer charity

  • Features

    Specifier Products


    Everything you need to know about the latest roofing kit, from harsh-weather protection to a pyramid over a swimming pool. Plus, the latest services and innovations from manufacturers

  • Features

    Costs: Roof coverings


    Different roof coverings vary widely in terms of costs and durability. Peter Mayer of Building Performance Group sets out guidelines on lifespan and whole life costing for fully supported metal sheet roofing, while Davis Langdon provide capital costs for a range of other roof types

  • Features



    There are many, many potential problems to consider when specifying a roof. Barbour Index and Scott Brownrigg run through the 10 main points to consider

  • The Komodo Dragon House at London Zoo has a green roof

    Green with life


    London Zoo built a bespoke lair for its breeding pair of Komodo dragons. Sadly, Nina, the female dragon, died in August from fall injuries after trying to scale the wall that separated her from her future partner, and the Dragon House is now a bachelor pad for the bereaved Raja. ...

  • Features

    To sum up …


    As recent high-profile projects have shown, it’s absolutely crucial to set the right budget – and stick to it. Here are Procure21’s ways and means

  • The glass cube advertises modern art without actually showing any paintings

    Stop the traffic


    Stuttgart has not so much lost a large hostile underpass as gained a stunning £48m gallery of modern art, in the form of Hascher Jehle’s perfect glass cube.

  • Morrison (left) and Allies: Rational, conservative revolutionaries …

    The paradox twins


    George Hay talks to Bob Allies and Graham Morrison, the men behind the ‘unfashionable’ architectural practice that’s all the rage with Britain’s biggest clients.

  • The success of modular construction for the three-storey treatment centre (above) led to its use on a subsequent operating theatre scheme

    A precision operation


    The team at Birmingham’s Royal Orthopaedic Hospital was charged with creating a £15m state-of-the-art specialist treatment centre. So what made them choose modular construction – and was the operation a success?

  • Kent and Surrey

    Local lowdown: Kent and Surrey


    As town-centre regeneration creates job opportunities in Kent and Surrey, Robert Smith of Hays Montrose looks at some of the major projects in the region

  • Features

    How do you measure up?


    What’s the best way to benchmark the performance and value of your projects when the existing data isn’t exactly bang up to date? Get rewriting the rules, that’s how …

  • Vitruvius’ WOW factor

    Vitruvius’ WOW factor


    When people think of NHS architecture, they imagine grey monoliths with endless corridors and stark fluorescent lighting. but all that is changing in a drive to increase design impact – with a little help from ancient Rome …

  • Peter Woolliscroft

    “Now trusts are saying project teams are a dream to work with”


    … That said, Peter Woolliscroft, NHS Estates head of construction, thinks the year-old ProCure21 still has a long way to go. Here he talks about supply and demand, water meters and what the future holds

  • Features

    Innovation in delivering NHS facilities


    Nigel Griffiths, minister for construction, Talks about procure21

  • A cure for one-off-clientitis

    A cure for one-off-clientitis


    Does the idea of working with any one of 600 NHS trusts, all with varying levels of construction experience, make your heart stop? fret not – an antidote has been found …

  • The MoD’s £2bn single-living accomodation module (SLAM) programme makes extensive use of volumetric units

    Cost model: Off-site manufacture


    The market for off-site manufacture is expanding rapidly, boosted as it is by public sector investment programmes. Davis Langdon looks at the cost benefits, barriers to innovation and procurement issues involved in OSM

  • Features

    Up and coming from down under


    This is a good time to be in salary negotiations – especially if you’re a young professional from the antipodes. Victoria Madine analyses the 2004 Hays Montrose/Building contractors’ salary guide, Brett Ryder provides the kangaroo

  • Features

    The chance that paid off


    Or, how an NHS trust in ormskirk decided to twist, not stick, by embracing a procurement method it had never used before. And boy, did it win hands down …

  • Features

    Care at the centre


    Any project that changes construction route halfway through is bound to hit rocky ground, surely? Here’s how procure21 meant Oldbury’s care centre avoided trouble – and avoided the need for adjudicators …