All Features articles – Page 471

  • Features



    Movers and shakers this week

  • 2004 revisited

    2004 revisited


    It was a different year for different people. For many it was a lengthy punch-up. For others a sleigh ride through a forest pursued by wolves. For one or two, it was a chance to emulate Napoleon at Austerlitz. So, use the next 10 pages to jog your memory, after ...

  • Features

    £130m Liverpool arena keeps Bovis top of league


    Contractor retains both its monthly and annual titles, thanks to £140m of work in November

  • Wates chief Paul Drechsler

    Talking up a storm


    Wates chief Paul Drechsler has been hired to shake up the century-old family business. And he just loves to natter about it. He tells Angela Monaghan all about framework deals, services, Dublin, PFI schools, his workers … and Eric Clapton.

  • The extended departures lounge is refreshed by a vast window wall, invigorated by soaring slender columns and shielded from two floors of concourses by retail enclosures

    The jet set


    In Zürich, a crack Anglo-Swiss project team including Grimshaw and Arup have used imagination and pragmatism to bring glamour back to air travel. Martin Spring takes a tour around the airport that is a bit of a departure.

  • The Irish market

    Local lowdown: Ireland


    Local lowdown Robert Smith of Hays Montrose reports on the rapid growth of the Irish market

  • The solid facade of Plantation Place, viewed  here from Great Tower Street, illustrates a possible solution to meeting the new Part L

    Cost model: Office design


    After a few belt-tightening years, the City of London’s commercial sector is on the up again. In this cost model, Davis Langdon and Mott Green Wall examine the current market and recent advances in office design – and break down the costs of a high-quality, mid-rise City scheme

  • Department for Transport

    What a carve-up!


    Construction is responsible for one-fifth of Britain’s output and affects huge swaths of government policy – so why has Whitehall divided it over eight departments?

  • Steve Secker



    This week's movers

  • Features

    Specifier Products


    his month, we have a cornucopia of energy-saving products, including a cladding system that thinks it’s a Thermos flask, the latest condensing boilers and movement-sensitive lighting controls

  • Arup’s SPeAR audit diagram of Kingspan’s Hertfordshire operations

    Specifier Audit


    With so many aspects to bear in mind, ensuring you specify products from the most eco-friendly manufacturers is a complicated business. Which is where Arup’s audit tool can help …

  • Features



    Low energy is a key issue in building specification and must be considered alongside sustainability criteria. Barbour Index and Scott Brownrigg offer some suggestions

  • The green HQ: Beaufort Court, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire

    Low-energy buildings


    This week, a look at low-energy buildings focuses on the world’s first zero carbon emissions office, with top tips on how to design your own – plus checklist, products, suppliers’ guide and how Arup is turning green.

  • Belle concrete mixer

    Ode to a concrete mixer


    Ian Hughes is so pleased with his 20-year-old mixer that he’s given the manufacturer a verbal testimonial.

  • Features

    Just the job


    It began with avoiding PE lessons at school. Now Carmella Barbour is in charge of her own quarry …

  • Features

    Seven wonders of islamic design


    From sandbags to soaring skyscrapers, this year’s Aga Khan Awards are a timely reminder of the diversity of architecture in the Muslim world

  • Features

    Will draft bill wake firms up to corporate responsibility?


    After Queen’s speech highlighted staff safety, survey shows corporate social responsibility rising up the agenda

  • Features

    The Berlaymonster’s back!


    Nearly five years late and three times over budget, the European commission’s headquarters is back in business. We took a trip to Brussels to admire the £509m refurbishment and find out what originally set the project spinning out of control – and for once, nobody is blaming the eurocrats …

  • Features



    Movers and shakers

  • Features

    There now follows a special announcement..


    .. regarding the sale of Bovis Lend Lease, presented by Adrian Chamberlain, chief executive officer for development and construction in the UK, Europe, Middle East and Africa …