All Features articles – Page 464

  • Features

    The bitter truth


    It’s difficult for an expert witness to tell the party paying them that their case leaks like a sieve, but it is in everybody’s best interests that they do just that

  • Features

    Big deal


    Is this so new? Construction managers have breached their contracts before, the only difference is that the dispute never got to court – which demonstrates one of CM’s many benefits

  • The Arnolfini wedding

    The Arnolfini wedding


    Bristol’s famous marriage of art gallery, 1970s office and Victorian warehouse has been comprehensively redesigned by Snell Associates … We found out how it was done

  • Features

    Cost update: March 2005


    In this quarter’s analysis of construction materials and labour prices, Davis Langdon reports on the double whammy of electrical costs and electricians’ pay deal that is making it pricey to get the sparks flying …

  • Features

    Architects face York plaque attack


    A York councillor is proposing shaming bad buildings with a plaque of shame.

  • The site at the busy heart of Heathrow

    We have take-off


    On a miniscule site that gives new meaning to the phrase ‘close to the flightpath’, the team building Heathrow’s new air traffic control tower found an ingenious way to hoist the control room 87 m into the air.

  • John Redwood

    John Redwood


    After three years away from the front bench, the poster boy of the Thatcherite right is keen to demonstrate how a Tory government would make £35bn of efficiency savings – and gladden the hearts of the construction industry.

  • Features

    Just the job


    Tim Johnson trained as a QS but quickly took a career swerve into an emerging sector

  • Two spacious, light-filled library halls add up to a double-decker temple of learning

    Lofty ideas, hushed tones


    In its reinvention of the library as gateway to human knowledge, Bennetts Associates has created a graciously grand yet efficiently low-energy centrepiece to a mixed-use regeneration scheme in Brighton. We took a quiet look around

  • David Marks and Julia Barfield

    What’s their big idea now?


    Next week is the fifth anniversary of the London Eye hoisting its first passengers 130 m above the capital. Its designers David Marks and Julia Barfield talk about their battle to ensure the Eye’s future, their next height-defying design and why they are not millionaires … yet.

  • Features



    Movers and shakers this week

  • Features

    International costs: 2005


    Gardiner & Theobald’s 13th annual survey looks at how much it’ll cost you to build various buildings around the world, along with labour and inflation rates – plus why China is still the main cost driver

  • Features

    Specifier Products


    In our cladding special this week, glass for flush facades or fighting fire, frameless glazing systems, multicoloured render or steel panels and 30 storeys of curtain walling in Liverpool – plus the latest news

  • Features



    Aesthetic and energy-saving requirements are resulting in increasingly sophisticated cladding specifications. Barbour Index and Scott Brownrigg dispense some words of advice

  • Features

    Costs: Stone facades


    So do you go for natural or reconstructed stone for your stone facade? Which will offer the best whole-life value? Peter Mayer of the Building Performance Group breaks down the options

  • St Mary’s Hospital has been reclad using Rheinzink, a zinc–titanium alloy sheet.

    Cladding: The walls of St Mary’s


    This week we’ve got cladding well and truly covered, with an array of impressive products to make your facades beautiful and efficient, a breakdown of the whole-life costs of natural stone vs concrete finishes and eight steps to the perfect specification. But first, how the stainless steel at St Mary’s ...

  • Modern method of confection

    Sweet taste of victory at Junior Open House


    Hansel and Gretel style house inspired by Willy Wonka wins school kids' design competition.

  • Features

    But seriously ...


    What makes MIPIM such an industry must-do? Elaine Knutt explains why it’s not just the champagne and canapés that keep people coming back

  • Foundation Maeght is one of the Cote d'Azur's star attractions

    Site seeing


    Even the strongest constitution can find traipsing between stands and drinking into the small hours a bit much after a while. So how about playing hooky for an afternoon? Naomi Stungo suggests some great buildings to visit nearby

  • Features

    The rush


    Red Bull Racing has taken an abandoned Second World War wind tunnel and turned it into a state-of-the-art testing facility. We report on the engineering that could give the Formula 1 team a competitive edge