All Features articles – Page 454

  • 01 A variation of Dearne’s bond used for 19th-century estate cottages (some of the headers might be half bats)

    Bond patterns in brickwork


    In his second article on brick bonds, Mike Hammett focuses on their decorative potential

  • Insulated formwork offers fast build times and energy-efficient housing

    Better yet


    The Concrete Centre has welcomed a new standard covering the performance of innovative housing. Particularly so as concrete looks set to match the criteria with ease.

  • Features

    A building in a bag


    Two students at the Royal College of Art have come up with a brilliant idea for erecting durable, lightweight housing in disaster areas using a footpump and a sackful of ‘Concrete Canvas’

  • Features



    Movers and shakers this week

  • Brick is the predominant external walling material throughout the estate for both terraces and apartment blocks

    The space age is over


    … Long live the age of the brick. At least, that’s what they’re all saying at Stonebridge Estate in north London, where ‘futuristic’ concrete slabs have been demolished in favour of liveable brick-built homes

  • At Säynätsalo, Aalto uses brick as a natural element of the landscape

    Alvar Aalto on what a brick is worth


    Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) expressed the coarser nature of brick on numerous projects, particularly those in Finland, such as at the Säynätsalo Town Hall (1949-52) (pictured).

  • Bison’s £30m hollowcore floor slab plant is more than half a kilometre long

    The £30m baby


    Bison’s new Derbyshire factory contains (probably) the most advanced hollowcore flooring equipment in the world. So what’s so special about it? And why is this the right time to bring it on stream?

  • Jude Law

    Brad’s career move leaves Jude nonplussed


    Jude Law has no interest in becoming the next Brad Pitt, not in the architectural sense anyway.

  • The fact I picked up so many jobs afterwards seems to mean people didn’t think I was to blame. As far as I was concerned, I wasn’t to blame

    No regrets


    Nobody knows better than Sir Martin Laing, former chairman of Laing, how a wafer-thin margin can turn into a catastrophic loss. He tells us about how a contract used to be a gentlemen’s agreement and why he wasn’t to blame for that £1 sale.

  • Risk junkies

    Risk junkies


    Source: Keith Watts Source: Keith Watts

  • Features

    Just the job


    Alex Ely has left CABE to spend more time with his architecture practice.

  • Features

    Hail Siza


    Álvaro Siza’s pavilion for the Serpentine Gallery might look like flatpack art, but look a little closer and it’s a triumph of structural engineering

  • Temple Bar

    Specialist costs: Stone restoration


    Our series of specialist market overviews continues with a close-up look at stone restoration and conservation. David Harding of Gardiner & Theobald examines the hot topics, costs and key contractors

  • So, would you be a contractor ?

    So, would be a you be a contractor ?


    Are you a ballsy go-getter or an arty sensitive type? Do you get up at the crack of dawn or prefer a leisurely start? Are you mostly inspiration, calculation or perspiration? Try our quick quiz to determine whether you’re really cut out for a career as a contractor.

  • Five ways to fight back

    Five ways to fight back


    As a small contractor, you might be exposed to a higher risk of getting squashed. But then, small firms can change direction, rebrand and find new markets faster than major contractors can hold a board meeting. We report on the five best ways to stay in business

  • ‘Once they find you, you don’t argue’

    ‘once they find you, you don’t argue’


    Protection rackets run by rogue security firms are holding construction sites in the North-west to ransom with threats of violence. Now the government is fighting back – but might its measures do more harm than good?

  • Features



    Movers and shakers this week

  • Features



    Sport facilities are invariably humid. Here, Barbour Index and Scott Brownrigg explain how to stop moisture in the air turning into water vapour that can damage the fabric and finishes

  • The Easy Build Sports Centre will be built off site to Sport England specifications



    Get active with a modular sport centre, a shock-absorbing floor and changing-room cubicles. Plus, modish black smoke sensors for nightclubs, horizontal sliding windows and an easy-to-install cycle stand

  • AFL’s magnificent double-tiered Mohamed Bin Zayed Stadium in Abu Dhabi is designed for maximum coolness – and impact, with spectator seats close to the action, UK-style

    Sport and leisure


    This week, we find out how to specify gyms and nightclubs without breaking into a sweat, showcase all the latest products for your facilities and provide our always-essential suppliers list. But first, the British architect designing a breezy field of dreams in sweltering Abu Dhabi …