All Features articles – Page 447

  • Andy Green

    What we need is whole-life value


    PFI projects are failing to achieve the low whole-life costs that were promised. Thomas Lane asked Andy Green of Faithful & Gould if there is another way of going about the problem

  • Features

    PFI under the knife


    The pFI is here to stay.

  • David Metter

    The insider


    David Metter, chairman of the PPP Forum, knows more than most about the PFI. So it’s surprising that he thinks there’s a problem with bid costs – and is not sure if the government can meet its education targets.

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    This other Eden …


    Nature’s mathematical patterns have inspired the design of a new educational centre at The Eden Project. But Grimshaw has not just come up with a pretty flower-shaped space. Outside and inside, this is an elegant and robustly engineered design

  • Features

    A critical procedure


    University College London Hospital is the latest PFI project to open its doors to the public, promising – as they all do – to get the best value from the private sector. So Building sent in an expert to assess just how well the fabric of this £422m building will ...

  • The West Middlesex University Hospital, London by architect Nightingale Associates features blocks arranged around attractive courtyards. These contain the outpatients department at ground floor level with wards above

    Whole-life costs: Hospital design


    In this third article in our series, and as part of our PFI special, David Weight of Currie & Brown looks at the differences in lifetime costs between deep-plan, shallow-plan or courtyard-based hospital designs

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    Infirmary blues


    The PFI’s problems are not confined to the bid process. Even after a facility is up and running, there is a constant struggle between client and consortium over its running costs – as we’re finding out at Edinburgh.

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    Ed Balls


    The man who crafted Labour’s economic miracle used to be famous for being unknown. Now he’s emerged from the shadows to become an MP, he tells Building why a housing recession is not imminent and how he still has the ear of the chancellor.

  • Goldsmiths college

    Striking balance


    Building on a college building in London that has shown work-life balance really works

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    Movers and Shakers this week...

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    Non-slip flooring is an important safety issue, but it’s plagued by confusing standards and complicating factors. Barbour Index and Scott Brownrigg can put you on a firmer footing

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    Costs: Acoustic flooring solutions


    Complaints about noise transmission in the home are on the up. Peter Mayer of Building LifePlans looks at the choice of acoustic flooring solutions and analyses their whole-life costs

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    Get the goods to heat, cool, dampproof and beautify your floors, from recycled carpet tiles to wood-effect vinyl and from square LEDs to adhesives without the odour – plus news from the factories

  • The centrepiece of Wilkie’s courtyard design is an oval dish what can act either as a reflecting pool or, dried out, as an arena



    This week’s Specifier gets off the ground with a look at the V&A’s newly revamped central courtyard, followed by a round-up of the latest products on the showroom floor. Then it’s on to our handy checklist of how to avoid slipping up on safety, the cost of keeping noise down ...

  • Where are the required 88,000 extra people a year going to come from?

    Where’s our people power?


    Ask anyone in construction what the biggest problem they face is and there is just one answer: the skills shortage. As Britain prepares to host the Olympics in 2012, the industry is facing its toughest test yet, with 150,000 jobs being created, many of which will be in construction.

  • Bovis’ boat 2XL (left) battles against a rival and finishes third in its class

    On the ocean wave


    This year’s Little Britain regatta in the Isle of Wight was another roaring success – especially for joint race winners Amey and Languard Investments. And with a Moulin Rouge-themed evening and gala dinner with charity auction, the event certainly wasn’t all about the sailing … Your correspondent was there enjoying ...

  • Meadlands Primary School, Richmond. Surrey

    My kind of place


    To whet your appetite for London’s Open House weekend, we asked nine architectural luminaries to pick the building they’d choose to visit … and offer a selection of delectable alternatives.

  • Features

    It’s okay for some


    The national outlook over the next two years may look flat, but some regions are about to experience a boom – particularly in the East Midlands and Wales, says Experian Business Strategies

  • Building’s new Graduate Advisory Panel

    The Graduates


    How do you get young people to join construction? Once they’re in, how do you keep them? Well, we could ask these guys. These 10 professionals from every corner of the industry are Building’s new Graduate Advisory Panel, and they’ll be sharing their views on recruitment, skills and more in ...

  • Features

    Jasper conran: The new Wayne hemingway?


    Fashion guru Jasper Conran is already known for interior design, but with links to the Open House scheme and some heavy hints being dropped, it seems he may be moving into architecture. So do we have another fashion designer architect on our hands?