All Features articles – Page 433

  • Cocktail and cherry

    How to be a staggering success


    It's that time of the year again - when the industry decamps to the south of France for a vigorous mix of business and pleasure … Josh Brooks and George Hay asked five attendees to name the highlights, and the pitfalls, of MIPIM 2006

  • Alsop & Partners set out to connect inside and outside by means of a solid, timber-clad vault that is extruded at one end in transparent glass.

    Could you live here?


    Well, somebody is going to - these extraordinary houses, designed by top architects for an idyllic Cotswolds location, have all just won planning permission.

  • Features

    Projects update: Health and safety


    A round-up of what's new in the world of health and safety, from teaching modules to prevent children injuring themselves in quarries to paying a safety bonus to operatives

  • Workplace illustration

    Exploited youth


    A number of leading architectural firms are not paying students to work up to 60-hour weeks yet are happy to let them draw up important competition entries, while graduates are being offered hard-work, low-pay deals just for the kudos of being employed by a major practice. Illustration by Scott Garrett

  • Jason Leonard

    Underwood, to Leonard, to Deacon … and it's Edwards!


    As you may have noticed, it's Six Nations time, a riot of colour, national pride and surreptitious eye-gouging. What's it got to do with construction? Well, it just so happens that some very big names have brought their formidable talents to the industry. Building headed down to Twickers to hear ...

  • Pupils at Springhill Catholic Primary School in Southampton swarm around their new classroom block, designed by architecture plb

    Cost model: School extensions


    While Blair's shiny new city academies grab all the headlines, a host of smaller-scale improvements to existing schools is quietly being carried out. In the first of our series of mini-cost models, Max Wilkes of Davis Langdon reviews the key issues and costs involved in primary school extension projects

  • Among the pick of Brighton’s projects are Gehry’s King Alfred centre

    Why not work in… South Coast


    With £2bn of work Robert Smith of Hays Construction & Property on the abundant work and good wages to be had in the South Coast's honeypot

  • Robert Frear



    Movers and shakers this week...

  • An evolving 10-year masterplan including parkland, mews houses and glass-fronted apartments and culminating in a 20-storey eco-tower: has Birmingham found the definitive way of transforming urban sink estates?

    10 years younger (how to transform a decrepit sink estate into an urban utopia in a single decade)


    An evolving 10-year masterplan including parkland, mews houses and glass-fronted apartments and culminating in a 20-storey eco-tower: has Birmingham found the definitive way of transforming urban sink estates?

  • Nicole Waterman

    Flight path to Dubai


    Nicole Waterman wanted big-project experience in a new environment, and found just what she wanted in Dubai.

  • Features

    Now you're one of us


    After four months of gruelling round-the-clock negotiations, Carillion finally handed over £313m and took control of its similarly sized rival Mowlem. Now the hard part begins …. Illustration by Elliot Thoburn

  • Craig Phillips

    A self-made man


    Craig Phillips is not your typical Big Brother survivor, scraping a living from their diminishing fame. Rather, he has invested his vast energy in a vast range of projects, including a skills centre in his native Liverpool.

  • lovestruck colleagues

    How to survive … an office romance


    Amaya Lopez offers lovestruck colleagues a 10-step guide on how to avoid losing your job and breaking hearts

  • Terminal 5

    Cleared for take-off


    As you can see, most of the heavy lifting is done at Terminal 5. Now, BAA has to get all the systems, from baggage handling to security systems, integrated by March 2008.

  • The rippling forms facing the park are created by horseshoe-shaped lecture halls shaded by hanging gardens

    Equatorial chic


    Edward Cullinan Architects knew how to design a university, but not how to design one in a country where the annual temperature varies between 85 and 89°F. Yet its solution was brilliant...

  • David Jones



    Movers and shakers this week...

  • Features

    International costs: 2006


    The 14th annual survey by Gardiner & Theobald examines what it’ll cost to build offices, homes, warehouses and shops around the world - and takes a look at this year’s global price forecasts

  • Technal has supplied architectural aluminium glazing to two buildings at the University of Limerick’s campus.

    Specifier products


    Rainscreen cladding that can tough out a sea storm, laminate that feels just like wood, and copper: the new weapon in the fight against bird flu. Plus, the latest news from our friends in cladding

  • Features

    Costs: Timber cladding for walls


    Timber cladding is an attractive and sustainable option for external walls. Peter Mayer of Building LifePlans assesses commonly available options and their whole-life costs

  • Features



    A curtain walling specification can go awry if the wrong means of attaching it to the building structure are chosen. Barbour Index and Scott Brownrigg run through the fixing options