All Features articles – Page 432

  • Features

    Sir Robert McAlpine cashes in on commercial revival


    Contractor picks up £429m worth of work from office and retail sector while Bovis wins school prize

  • Features

    Young, gifted and in the black


    It might seem like an unglamorous option, but housebuilding is becoming the sector to work in. Increasingly young executives are enjoying increasingly fat pay packets and perks, according to the first ever Building/PSD housebuilders' salary survey. Illustration by Jamie Jay

  • Lakhvinder Sagoo



    Movers and shakers this week...

  • Features

    Now 50% off!


    Why pay more for your building materials? Sonia Soltani discovered one company that is buying from abroad, slashing prices and passing the savings on to some very happy customers

  • David Strong

    UK Green Building Council: here at last?


    A Green Building Council for the UK would ensure that we stay in the vanguard of sustainable building. There's been one in the USA for 11 years, so shouldn't we have one too?

  • Some of the 300 animal rights protesters who attended the demonstration in Oxford on 25 February

    Running scared


    It began with protests against the building of animal research laboratories in Cambridge and Oxford. Now those protests have mushroomed to target any construction firms connected with Oxford University, Oxford city or the entire pharmaceutical sector. Sarah Richardson reports on the campaign that turned into a war - and how ...

  • Key players from the industry and ODPM went head to head, and found a surprising consensus on the need to cut red tape.

    Reaching the summit


    Building has been urging government to Reform the Regs for months. Now, the campaign has moved up a gear with a summit at our offices. Key players from the industry and ODPM went head to head, and found a surprising consensus on the need to cut red tape.

  • Mark Whitaker

    Just the job: secure foundations


    Mark Whitaker tells Emily Wright what a bomb disposal expert is doing in the construction industry

  • Barcelona’s Santa Catarina market

    Enric's last hurrah


    Part magic carpet ride, part Indonesian village hall, Barcelona's Santa Catarina market bears all the inventiveness of its architect's founder - the late Enric Miralles.

  • 1 40 Portman Square, W1, 2 International House, EC3, 3 Kings Cross, WC1

    Place your bets


    The consensus in the industry is that the office market is finally back. But which particular project should you be trying to win work on?

  • Pedro Roos



    Movers and shakers this week...

  • From a distance, the business village looks like any other collection of parkland offices up and down the country

    An answer in the cold, cold earth


    So you don't want the expense and obloquy of air-conditioning, but you'd rather not risk a naturally ventilated solution? Luckily there's a highly effective third way, which you'll soon be able to inspect at a business park outside Luton.

  • Features

    Full steam ahead


    Having recovered from the slowdown of 2005, construction order books and tender enquiry growth accelerated over the past quarter - except the residential sector, says Experian Business Strategies

  • Features

    Cost update: March 2006


    In our latest look at construction materials prices and labour costs, Davis Langdon reports on inflation that is way outstripping the consumer price index - plus how much plumbers and electricians will set you back

  • Harry Patch

    Harry Patch (1899-present)


    Reluctant celebrity Harry Patch still shudders to recall the horrors of the First World War - as well as the dangers he faced back home as a high-rise builder. Building met the 107-year-old

  • Features

    Costs: Concrete repairs


    The concrete repair sector is big business, but work is often done haphazardly, causing worse problems. Anthony Waterman of BRE examines repair options and their whole-life costs

  • Features



    Structural Eurocodes are gradually being phased in, with the latest publication covering wind loading. So is this good news or bad? Scott Brownrigg and Barbour Index offer a guide

  • Weber SBD’s epoxy resin repair system Epoxy Plus has been used to restore the roof timbers at the Roundhouse, a performance venue in Camden, north London.



    Masonry reinforcement, anchor bolts, plastic mountains and much more from the companies that make those all-important structural products. Plus, restoring Camden's Roundhouse and industry news

  • The Jagged Edge House is designed to look like a large shard of schist on the cliffside



    This foray into the world of building structures begins with this startling, earthquake-proof house suspended over a New Zealand cliff-face. Plus overleaf we report on the vexed subject of new European standards, look at the costs of concrete repair and offer guides to products and suppliers

  • Mark Andrews

    Out of the shadows


    The internal life of NG Bailey, the UK's largest M&E firm, has always been a dark secret. Now chief executive Mark Andrews has given its first interview, and in it he talks (fairly) frankly about past troubles and future plans.