All Features articles – Page 431

  • The Obel will be the tallest building in Belfast

    Why not work in ... Belfast


    Investors and confidence are coming back to Belfast. Robert Smith of Hays Construction & Property can help you get in on the action

  • Ahhhhh!

    The nightmare has begun


    The industry is in a state of blind panic over Part L, the revised energy regulations implemented yesterday. Thomas Lane explains what we now can and can't build - and why we should all keep panicking …

  • Erika Prime



    Who's making career moves this week ...

  • Two stupendous terminals at Beijing Airport are being designed and built in just four years by using repetitive components for the reinforced concrete floors and steel space-framed roof

    Forget T5, here's T-Rex


    Beijing is about to get an airport that is large enough to handle the entire population of Britain in a single year, thanks to yet another collaboration between Arup and Foster and Partners

  • Features

    Enough hot air


    In the first of a new series of fortnightly columns, Robert Webb asks if the drive towards sustainability leaves the industry poised for a quiet revolution

  • Joyce Bridges and Sunand Prasad (right)

    The missionaries


    Stepping down after seven years as a CABE commissioner, Sunand Prasad has plenty of advice about how to make a success of the job.

  • Even the three-storey flats at the street corner wear

    Is this a joke?


    Architectural practice FAT has a reputation for taking the mick. But its new social housing scheme in Manchester is at once playful and perfectly serious.

  • Retention ponds hold water run-off back and slowly release it into the ground to mitigate flooding. They also make an attractive landscape feature

    Sustainability: Drainage systems


    With global warming increasing flood risk, projects are turning to sustainable urban drainage systems for solutions. Here, Simon Rawlinson of Davis Langdon considers the options and costs.

  • The fathers and daughters

    Like father, like daughter


    It takes a certain type of woman to follow in her father's footsteps, particularly if his job involves working 100-hour weeks on a building site or being paid to dress up in a wig. Emily Wright meets an architect, a lawyer, a small contractor and two very similar looking facilities ...

  • The mirror blocks in the courtyard are artworks and toys for children

    A Dagenham Wonderland


    Shiny pixelated bricks, mirrored blocks, multi-height openings and sliding doors that give surprising views from all angles - DSDHA's John Perry Children's Centre would delight Alice, herself

  • Embarrassed by a former job? Just don’t put it in your CV

    How to survive … a CV overhaul


    Amaya Lopez offers five points to consider before tackling that most painful of chores, compiling your CV

  • Features

    Sustainability: Recyled content


    Jobran Hammoud of Cyril Sweett examines the opportunities for, and costs associated with, increasing the use of recycled materials in construction

  • Features

    PFI: how the changes effect you


    When Gordon Brown unveiled a paper on the future of the PFI alongside his tenth Budget, the procurement method's supporters breathed a sigh of relief. But the document is not a love letter: it sets out a raft of measures to update and improve the process. Mark Leftly translates the ...

  • Features

    The carbon factor


    First it was Coldplay, then David Cameron, now even parts of the gas-guzzling construction industry are trying to go ‘carbon neutral'. Katie Puckett reports on how mounting pressure from clients, the government, investors and consumers is forcing the industry to face up to its eco sins. Illustration by Michelle Thompson

  • Maria Harvey



    Movers and shakers this week...

  • Features

    Projectsupdate: Regulations


    Two important changes to the fire regulations coming into force this year will affect the duties and responsibilities of designers and owners of commercial buildings. John Tebbit reports

  • Features

    Just the job: swapping reverb for referb


    Warren Lubin tells James Rose why refurbishing housing estates beats life in the music business

  • The new law courts building, with its shiny, spiky roofline and public park, makes a dramatic city gateway to Antwerp

    A law unto itself


    Richard Rogers has once again turned convention on its head in its radical design of Antwerp's law courts building, opened this week by the King of Belgium.

  • Marlow International, a four-storey office building in Buckinghamshire, was developed by Akeler and designed by architect Aukett

    Whole-life costs: Height of offices


    In the latest of our whole-life cost comparison articles, David Weight of Currie & Brown examines the crucial financial considerations when deciding the height of an office block

  • Features

    Gleeson's choices


    When chief executive Terry Massingham announces his plans for one of Britain's oldest construction firms next week, there's little doubt they will entail its radical reformation - but it's not clear just how radical, or what will remain when it's over.