All Features articles – Page 422

  • 999% Campaign logo

    Support the 99% campaign


    Register your support for Building's important campaign on improving the energy efficiency of our existing building stock

  • A model showing how Sheffield University’s Learning Resource Centre will look when finished

    Touching the void


    If you thought concrete had to be heavy then you've clearly never used the latest void forming systems, reports Roger Northam of Cobiax Technologies

  • Suffolk’s Sizewell B

    Sizewell stories


    We can also learn a lot from the last reactor built in Britain, Suffolk's Sizewell B. Here, key members of the project team share their memories with Graham Ridout

  • Features

    Solid as a rock


    An unfortunate side effect of the increasing use of lighter, longer floor spans is vibration, a particular problem in buidings such as hospitals. But as The Concrete Centre’s Andrew Minson reports, this doesn’t have to be a problem

  • Bob Johnston

    Let's stay together


    Bob Johnston was given the top job at Bovis and told to strengthen the bonds between parent and subsidiary. But that doesn't mean he's there to dispense group hugs. Angela Monaghan found out about his plans to double profits.

  • London Zoo’s Komodo Dragon House boasts a 300 m2 green roof, erected in 2004 by Miller Roofing using Sarnafil products, and based on biodiversity principles developed in Switzerland

    Sustainability: Green roofs


    Living roofs are often specified for their symbolic value, as a statement of the owner or developer's environmental credentials. But, as Simon Rawlinson of Davis Langdon explains, there are also tangible cost and performance benefits to going green up top

  • Features

    Five ways to spot a sinking ship


    Why are your directors always having meetings? Why is everyone so angry? And why has the boss just moved the sofa out of his office? Mark Leftly explains how to spot if your firm is heading for the rocks

  • Tony Birkbeck

    Prater learns from rival's fall


    SME focus - Two months after buying most of Coverite, the roofer is still cautious over expansion

  • The concrete blocks forming the labyrinth provide thermal mass

    Playing it cool


    The first glasshouse to be built at Kew in almost 20 years is not designed to keep heat in – quite the opposite in fact. Which is why concrete proved to be as vital a component as glass.

  • Features

    Construction lessons


    A new prestressed slab product has helped to deliver quality student accommodation at a West Country university within a tight deadline, reports George Tootell, special projects director at Buchan Concrete Solutions

  • Eurocode 2

    Cracking the code


    The British Standard for the structural use of concrete is to be replaced with Eurocode 2 in March 2008. But there’s no need to worry, says The Concrete Centre’s Charles Goodchild

  • Concrete was used to great effect at Manchester Ravensbury Community Primary School

    A class of its own


    Concrete's thermal efficiency and adaptability means it's not only well placed to deliver the government's school construction and refurbishment programme, it can do so sustainably, says The Concrete Centre's Andrew Minson

  • The library’s copper-clad performance centre protrudes from the main building

    Centre of learning


    The successful design and construction of Oldham's library and lifelong learning centre could teach other PFI consortiums a thing or two

  • Steve McGuckin

    ‘Be careful what you say. If you claim to have done something, I'll check it'


    Land Securities, aka the builder's developer, is spending £700m a year. But you won't win any of it if you're what development director Steve McGuckin delicately terms a bullshitter. Katie Puckett found out about his plans to take even tighter control.

  • Features

    Carbon trading


    Timber homes might have less embodied CO2 than than those buit from concrete. But new research shows that over their lifetime, concrete homes win the carbon battle hands down. By Jeff Dyson of The Concrete Centre

  • Geoff Wright

    Geoff Wright takes a bow


    Hammerson boss retires today after 37 years and hints at future industry roles

  • Features

    Impress your boss - Women's loos and regs


    A bluffer's guide to ... Women's loos and regs

  • Features

    Places to be - July and beyond


    Your monthly guide to all the best networking events, parties and essential industry seminars

  • The roof undulates over the visitor centre

    Bespoke Savill style


    An elegant visitor centre with a timber gridshell roof cuts a swath through Windsor Great Park

  • Features



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