All Features articles – Page 415

  • Features

    Building intelligence Q2 2006: Slow start


    Since the fall in output in 2005 – widely regarded as a blip – the industry has failed to bounce back at the speed predicted. But although public sector output declined in the first half of 2006, there has been an acceleration in the commercial sector

  • Features

    Keeping out water since 1873


    WHO MAKES IT - Germany’s FlachDach Technologie is a €70m-turnover company that manufactures waterproofing roofing membranes from polyisobutylene. For a full guide to suppliers of sustainability products, log on to

  • Darlington Education Village is a campus of simple rectangular buildings made exciting by vivid colours and large expanses of glazing

    Under their wings


    Ryder HKS’s Darlington Education Village brings together the least able children, including those with severe behavioural difficulties, and the most academic – an architectural and curatorial challenge that has been met with verve. Not bad for a PFI project

  • Chris Weetman

    Relax … we have a plan


    SME focus — Design consultancy MPSL has opened a total planning service for developers

  • David Partridge

    Partridge’s parallel universe


    Physics buff David Partridge on why Argent is now two places at the same time

  • Michael Gove

    The Gove in government


    Michael Gove, the highly opinionated polymathematical star of the Tory front bench, might just get the chance to translate his thoughts on housing and planning into action soon. David Blackman found out what they are

  • Features

    So which one gets the job?


    The old-timer on the left has a lifetime of experience to offer, but the whippersnapper on the right is an IT graduate and an ace with a mouse. From 1 October regulations outlawing age discrimination come into force and you’ll have to treat them both equally if you don’t want ...

  • The Lowry Centre in Salford combines art galleries and theatres. It was designed by Michael Wilford & Partners

    Cost model: Museums


    Museums and galleries have to be more high-tech, sustainable and visitor-friendly than ever before. Neal Kalita of Davis Langdon runs through the funding, design and environmental issues as well as breaking down the costs of a new-build extension for a museum

  • Features

    The future of construction training in this country hangs on what happens to this crumbling site. Why?


    By 2009, the National Construction College’s flagship facility in Bircham Newton, west Norfolk, stands a good chance of being shut down. Many industry observers will probably snigger that the construction sector cannot even build and maintain its own training centre. Unfortunately, there’s precious little to smile about.

  • Features

    What to do if your boss won’t leave


    You know the problem: you’re hungry for power, you want your boss’ job and you want it now. But the boss is showing no signs of wanting to quit. What to do? Lydia Stockdale looks at the options

  • Features



    Movers this week …

  • Martin Ellis

    The £1.2bn shopping spree


    Martin Ellis is on a mission. His employer, Capital Shopping Centres, has just multiplied its budget by nine and he’s looking for suppliers to spend it on

  • Richard Ogden



    I am absolutely delighted to have this opportunity to provide the forward to this edition of the Offsite Directory.

  • Features



    A brief explanation of the methods involved in off-site construction kicks off mtech’s list of players

  • Steve Small

    Thinking outside the box


    Steve Small is contracts manager at Higgins Construction. He joined the company four years ago after 10 years with Wilmot Dixon. His experience spans both traditional construction and off-site methods. He is currently working on Cambourne Village in Cambridgeshire, a social housing scheme spread over 11 sites

  • Features

    Taking the world by storm


    As the world embraces off-site construction, Andy King, operations director of Mtech Consult, looks at the opportunities and pitfalls awaiting those imaginative enough to shop overseas

  • Features

    Looking for unity


    While the use of off-site construction is growing steadily, the demand for innovation is bringing pressure for greater integration and certification. Charles Westbrook, R&D director of Mtech Consult, reports

  • Features

    Spreading the word


    Saba Salman looks at the key reports to influence the growing use of modern methods of construction

  • Features

    Move into the mainstream


    Modern methods of construction are accepted as useful tools, but it’s time to step up a gear. Martin goss, group technical director at mtech, argues for early project involvement

  • Features

    Second sight


    Off-site construction has proved itself when it comes to speedy and cost effective building, but how does it look a year or two down the line? Graham Ridout went back to three key projects to see how they are standing the test of time