All Features articles – Page 342

  • It’s still early and everybody is in with a chance, including Stephen Harvey (front right), who came third

    Building's 2008 Poker Kings tournament: three of a kind


    Building’s 2008 charity poker tournament ended in a dramatic contest between the final trio of players

  • Generation gripe

    Generation gripe 24.10.08


    Fed up with eager young pups at work who don’t know they’re born? Or had enough of hearing how it was back in the old days? Email us with what’s bugging you about the other generations…

  • Features

    The tracker: Still in the woods


    Although some regions’ fortunes are looking up, activity continues to decline and it’s showing no signs of getting better, warns Experian Business Strategies

  • Features

    Treat your staff with honesty and humanity


    Thousands of people have been made redundant in the past few months and more will probably follow. How should a good employer handle this painful process? Josephine Smit found out

  • Features

    Rising damp


    Manchester-born developer Urban Splash made its name building funky flats for trendy Northerners but the current climate hasn’t suited its business model. Muireann Bolger examines how it’s keeping its head above water

  • Features

    Plenty of countries for old men


    Building’s second Good Employer Guide, published with this week’s issue, looks at how firms can help their staff to find their feet overseas. And, as Dean Gurden reports, this has become an increasingly tempting option for more experienced professionals

  • Not a column in sight – the hanging facade at the building’s entrance.

    Lean machine – Southwark council HQ


    So many commercial developers crank out the same old generic office space. But here’s one that dares to be different. Stephen Kennett visits Southwark council’s low-energy headquarters in London – and, no, there’s not a false ceiling anywhere

  • Features

    Crumbling cookies


    Your wallet may feel a bit light right now, but that’s just the way things are sometimes. Cheer up, put on a cuppa and mull over Guy Browning’s creative economies, starting with …

  • Features

    We want to make a complaint – ConstructionSkills’ Mark Farrar interview


    It seems that the industry is deeply unhappy with ConstructionSkills. Roxane McMeeken tells its new boss why – and asks him what he’s doing about it. Photographs by Tom Harford Thompson

  • Paul Morrell

    The likely lads – who will be chief construction officer?


    A new actor is about to go on stage: the chief construction officer. And whoever gets the part will need to be quite a performer, because they’ll have to act for the industry in Whitehall, and for Whitehall in the industry. Sophie Griffiths conducted a quick audition …

  • Features

    Products in brief


    The Galvanizers Association has published a new guide, Galvanizing and Sustainable Construction, which aims to help architects, specifiers, engineers, developers and their clients use galvanized steel in the context of sustainable construction.

  • Features

    Brave new world


    Many companies are mounting expeditions abroad to escape the UK downturn, but with global expansion comes a whole set of interesting problems.

  • Features

    Go for the burn: Bouygues UK’s daily workout


    Warming up before work used to mean eating your bacon buttie while it was still hot. But now, in an effort to cut down site injuries, Bouygues UK has stepped things up a gear.

  • Features

    Why do we give benefits?


    Some firms shower their staff with cars, flexitime, parties and sabbaticals on the understanding that their generosity will be rewarded. Debika Ray finds out if it is

  • In 2007 the Innovate Properties building in Leeds used TermoDeck to help it achieve the highest ever BREEAM rating

    The alternatives: Thermal mass


    Integrating structures and services to get the most out of thermal mass can be a good road to lower energy consumption. Stephen Kennett looks at Tarmac’s solution

  • Features

    It’s a balancing act


    Last year, employers had one overriding problem to address: how could they recruit/poach/scrounge/bribe enough decent people to handle the endless stream of projects flowing from well-capitalised clients?

  • Features

    A lens on 3XN’s new Museum of Liverpool


    There is just one thing about 3XN’s Museum of Liverpool on which everyone agrees: it will offer fabulous views of the Mersey. Thomas Lane looks at the construction challenges behind the city’s most controversial new structure.

  • Features

    The big picture: Employers guide 2008


    So now we know which construction’s best employers are, but what else does all that data tell us? David Rogers crunches the numbers

  • Features

    Building intelligence Q2 2008: A mixed picture


    The downturn sent most graphs south in the second quarter of the year, but a closer look at the data shows wide variations between regions and sectors, according to Experian Business Strategies

  • Johannesburg from afar

    Expat survival guide to South Africa


    The 2010 World Cup is driving a boom in construction, but beware the capital's crime levels