All Features articles – Page 302

  • Features

    Sustainability: Renewable energy


    The old grudging attitude to renewable energy is being slowly transformed by a series of financial incentives

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    Davis Langdon at the crossroads


    Even men with hearts of iron have reason to be concerned about whether a sale to Aecom would make financial sense

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    Textured floor covers


    Altro has provided a complete floors and walls package for the Ennerdale leisure centre in Hull

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    What it costs: Flooring


    Level access showers can improve quality of life for disabled users. Peter Mayer of BLP Insurance looks at the design options and lifecycle costs for retrofitting them into existing floors

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    Carpet manufacturer Desso has launched a new collection, Core Structures

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    Carpet tiles


    Burmatex has created a high impact floor for the Shoreditch showroom of interior designer Forster Inc

  • Features

    Fast build nation: Richard Ogden on offsite construction


    Richard Ogden, the man who built a McDonald’s in two days, thinks the speed, efficiency and sustainability of offsite manufacture, and investment from major contractors such as Laing O’Rourke, will at last win over a sceptical industry

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    Ashley Primary School: Any colour as long as it’s green


    Ashley Primary School is run with such zeal for the environment that when an expansion became necessary, it grabbed the chance to increase its sustainability credentials

  • Features

    Movers and makers: 26 March 2010


    Weber, the manfacturer of industrial mortar, has brought out a flooring systems brochure. The 16-page guide introduces the main product categories of commercial, industrial, decorative, calcium sulphate and marine screeds as well as innovative products such as Leca insulation fill, which allows for quick and easy foundation preparation

  • Features

    The 2010 Building Awards: Public projects shortlist showcase


    Hard not to have a wiggle in your walk when you see the cornucopia of building projects shortlisted for the 2010 Building Awards

  • Thomas Lane

    Preventing a pile-up


    Transport infrastructure spending seems to be one of construction’s good news stories. According to Davis Langdon, there has been 10% growth in real terms

  • Singapore’s East Coast Parkway. The country is expected to represent 11% of South-east Asian transport expenditure in 2014

    Nought to sixty


    South-east Asia has big plans to ramp up its transport network, and must act fast to stop the economic growth of the past decade from going into reverse. But first it needs to find billions of dollars of private investment

  • Work on the existing East London line involved stripping out the railway to the tunnel inverts and replacing it along with new power and signalling systems to take up to 20 trains an hour

    In the loop


    The £1bn East London line extension, which opens in May, is the first part of a plan to give the capital an orbital railway. Stephen Kennett looks at the work done and how the circle will be completed

  • Features

    The London Library: Speaking volumes


    The London Library has been extending in higgledy-piggledy fashion ever since it moved to its St James’s home in 1845. Now Haworth Tompkins has set out to rationalise its circulation so that readers may actually be able to find the books they’re looking for

  • Features

    Down the line: Market report on transport


    Transport investment is currently buoyant, but in the medium term, prospects could be affected both by political divisions and spending cuts. Simon Rawlinson and Steve Waltho of Davis Langdon provide a guide to what the next few years might hold in store

  • How Paddington’s Crossrail station will eventually look

    Dig in!


    Crossrail will offer a feast of work for UK construction, with the three main tunnelling contracts up for starters. Andy Pearson finds out exactly what these entail

  • Studio E’s Sacred Heart primary school in Hammersmith, west London, was built in 2007 around two 120-year-old plane trees

    Cost model update: Small projects


    In this latest update, Simon Rawlinson of Davis Langdon reviews the capital costs of primary schools, social housing and small industrial buildings

  • A huge road crane, normally used for erecting wind turbines, was used to lift the 36m-span bridge sections into place

    Double crossing: Heneghan Peng’s Olympic bridge


    Heneghan Peng’s 54m-wide central bridge at the Olympic park, which was lowered into place last week, has been ingeniously designed to form two narrower walkways after the Games have finished. Stephen Kennett explains how it all works

  • Features

    Low-paid architect jobs: An offer you can refuse


    If you were an unemployed architect, would you take a job working 14-hour days for £6 an hour? Well, that’s exactly what one firm is offering

  • Features

    Alsop’s new look: Chris Littlemore interview


    Chris Littlemore, the boss of Archial, is planning to exploit the architectural group’s most famous brand for its relaunched international business