All Features articles – Page 292

  • John McAlsan

    John McAslan: Our man in Haiti


    John McAslan has a lot on his mind. First, the huge housing design competition he’s running for the Haitian government. Back at home, meanwhile, his practice is working on a concourse at King’s Cross and a Crossrail station at Bond Street

  • The building’s  sculptural white form creates a scintillating and melodramatic silhouette against the blue skies above and the sprawling city below

    Japanese house by Eastern Design Office: Heaven & earth


    This Japanese home-cum-office on the edge of a precipice is designed to resemble a dragon flying over a mountain

  • The crazy golfers recover after the stresses and exertions of the day. Some are quite emotional

    Golf competition: Lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer


    What better way to pass a lovely summer’s day than a few rounds of crazy golf? Okay, there are plenty of better ways, but when you’ve got construction’s finest to tee off against each other on an adventure-themed golf course, it’s a whole new ball game

  • Features

    Building Intelligence


    Public housing and infrastructure are keeping construction’s nose above water, though the industrial sector’s 40% fall in new orders is a drag

  • The floating visitor centre is inspired by the floating communities of Iraq’s Marsh Arabs

    Brockholes floating visitor centre: Tread lightly


    The designers of a new visitor centre for Brockholes wetland nature reserve plan to float the facilities in the middle of a lake - while ruffling as few feathers as possible

  • Adam Smith

    RCA Show 2010: Architecture


    Highlights includes a public kitchen infrastructure in King’s Cross and a Gothic horror inspired exploration of the contrasting processes of dissection and cultivation of bodily tissues

  • Streets

    Insulation retrofit: Sealing the house


    So how do you get a leaky Edwardian building to be so airtight that it can be heated with a single towel rail? Robert Prewett, the architect behind the retrofit, takes us through the project’s first steps …

  • regents place

    Terry Farrell's Regent's Place: Regent’s spark


    Sir Terry Farrell’s Regent’s Place is the fruition of a vision that should kick-start the regeneration of one of London’s more grisly thoroughfares. Ike Ijeh reports

  • Bahrain World Trade Centre, designed by Atkins. The Gulf state is the most expensive in the region, with prices running at about 11% above the UK

    International costs 2010


    Now that the great global roller-coaster seems to be slowing down, where has it left tender prices? Paul Moore of EC Harris looks at how economies around the world have fared …

  • Duke of Cambridge

    101 under 28: They’re the young generation and they’ve got something to say


    101 Under 28: This week, Building launches a project to find out what construction’s younger generation really think about the industry they’ve chosen to spend their careers in. Roxane McMeeken conducted an initial survey of our sample group, then took three of them to the pub to grill them further ...

  • Ian Tyler

    Ian Tyler: Life moves on


    It’s not that Balfour Beatty is taking the recession in its stride exactly, but when the contractor ranked No 1 in the Building Top 150 greets deep government cuts with equanimity, you know it must be doing something right. Emily Wright asks chief executive Ian Tyler what it is

  • The gate Dubai

    Is it time to leave the Middle East?


    You would forgive UK firms for clambering over each other to escape from Dubai at the moment, yet Hopkins and WSP have vowed to keep their offices open. So do they know something other companies don’t?

  • City Academy Hackney

    Cost model: Part L


    The upcoming changes to Part L will crank up the low-carbon agenda. The authors consider the costs and their influence on design

  • The floor modules sit in the space created between the protruding structural floor beams. Chilled beams will be suspended beneath the exposed precast concrete ceiling soffits

    Under floor building services: ground control


    An M&E contractor on a south London civic centre project has come up with a neat way of packaging all the services together at floor level. Stephen Kennett gets down to the detail

  • How much further?

    Top 150 Contractors and Housebuilders 2010


    After two years of wading through mud and leeches, there are finally some signs that solid ground is in sight.avid Rogers assesses the evidence

  • Graham Shennan

    Graham Shennan on Morgan Sindall's merger


    It’s been a month since Morgan Sindall’s building and civils arms became one, and MD Graham Shennan is still explaining that it’s all part of a planned bid for market share. Is Joey Gardiner persuaded?

  • WSP Cantor Seinuk was the structural engineer on Frank Gehry’s stainless steel-clad brain health centre in Las Vegas. The rise in steel prices has now begun to ease

    Market forecast: On the level


    The brief rise in tender prices is over but so, it seems, are the sharp falls that characterised last year.

  • Smithery

    Chatham Dockyard's salvage operation


    Returning a wrecked building to public use is tough enough at the best of times, but when your main contractor goes under, the pressure piles on. Stephen Kennett hears how Chatham Dockyard overcame adversity to open its new cultural hub for the summer tourist season

  • /u/h/d/illustration1.jpg

    On the horizon: Global careers


    Instead of rushing to join a construction boom, the smart move is to spot one before it starts. With the Global Construction 2020 report in hand, Emily Wright checks out the next four big things. Illustration by Astrid Kogler

  • Features

    The SAP affair: Part L compliance software


    Forget house prices, where you’re going on holiday and the benefits of cosmetic surgery - SAP is what everyone’s talking about at parties right now. This crash course in sustainability software explains why